Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Israelites and Me

This is a reflection I wrote for my Pentateuch class as a reflection after finishing all five books.
It’s so easy for me to read about the Israelites and think something along the lines of, “Why is it so hard for them to just obey God and trust him and worship only him?” I feel this way because God was so evident to them and so near. They witnessed so many amazing miracles. My initial thought is, “If I had been an Israelite and God was doing such blatantly obvious works in my life, I wouldn’t have acted like the Israelites.” But that’s such a stupid thought for me to have, because then God starts saying to me, “Oh really, Lindsey? I gave you two great parents and placed you in a family where you have opportunities that many don’t. I placed the mentors in your life that you needed. I spared your life when you very easily could have died from a brain infection. I created you with every skill you need to be successful in life.” And then I start to realize that I don’t give God enough credit. He has done so much in my life and often times I give the credit to someone else, or I’m too distracted with my materialistic idols to give him the glory he truly deserves. And I don’t really trust God, I’m scared to death for my future because I don’t know what’s going to happen and I’m so much of a planner that I would rather do it my way. Gee… I guess in a lot of ways, I’m in the same boat as the Israelites