Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My First Year of College

Wow! My first year of college is already over. Where did it go? I feel like I just started. College has been an amazing experience and I loved it. I have learned so much! Yeah I learned a lot about the Bible and other academic things, but I learned even more important things than that. 

In my first year of college I have learned:

  • God is faithful to forgive me for all of my sins. Even though I have messed up a lot, he took me through a healing process and has made me pure.
  • My relationship with God isn't about fixing myself to please Him, it's about love. First and foremost God wants me to focus on loving him, the rest will follow once I have done that.
  • My actions and words will affect the way people view me, I can't assume everyone knows I am joking.
  • True friends are a blessing from God and will stay close to you when you need them most.

I am looking forward to my sophomore year!