Thursday, February 21, 2013

Friends of Old: The Story of Buttercup

Friends of Old 
February 21, 2013
I remember when I first met him,
Honestly he was not my first pick.
But my parents insisted on the quiet one,
After all, the other one was too sick.

He had big brown eyes and crimpy ears,
And a yellow coat like a buttercup.
So little me, ignoring Daddy’s interfere,
Got to name my new friend, our new pup.

Upon arriving at our home,
On the floor, of course, he decided to pee.
Once outside, desiring to roam,
Leash in hand, across the grass he dragged me.

I learned to keep the door shut,
Else through the neighborhood he’d fly.
He’d always enjoy the moment, but
He would always stay nearby.

We made it through his puppy years,
Many our belongings know them well.
Because of his teeth, I would be in tears,
To my doll’s hand, he had given hell.

Many times I played with him,
Oh how I loved to watch him run.
In the lake, we’d make him swim.
I remember it was so much fun.

But I always knew he loved me,
A more tolerant dog there was not.
Though I’d pester him and giggle with glee,
Revenge he never ever sought.

His love for us was made clear,
By the wolf dog, my brother was chased,
I giggled, despite my brother’s fear.
But to the rescue, our dog bravely raced.

To my family he was a dear friend,
A great playmate to my brother and me,
A source of laughter to us till the end,
We loved him so, and all could see.

As time passed, we became friends of old.
All my life stages, he had seen.
Fifteen seasons of warmth and seasons of cold.
He was there for good, and bad, and all in between.

As the years went by we all knew,
The clock was ticking and time would fly.
The remaining moments with him were few,
And soon we would have to say goodbye.

And though we all knew that you would,
Your life we would still deeply grieve.
I know you hung on as long as you could.
Alas even great souls have to leave.

But it’s okay, my good old friend,
You were wonderful to us while here.
Thank you for being you till the end,
You can go now, for us, do not fear.

Oh, you quiet, crimpy eared, yellow pup,
I couldn’t have asked for a better dog than you.
And so my sweet dear friend, Buttercup,
I sadly but lovingly, bid you adieu.