Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Date With God

I’m just blown away by how cool God is sometimes! Lately God has really been speaking to my heart about intimacy and closeness with him. I even made the semester theme for the small group that I lead. He has been showing me that there is so much more of himself that he has to give me.  There is so much closer to him that I can become. My heart’s cry these past few weeks is that God would make himself so real to me that I sense his presence all the time and never feel alone because I know that he is with me. My goal for this semester is to become more aware of God’s presence. I want to develop a deeper and more intimate relationship with God. So this theme of intimacy and closeness with God has been heavy on my mind and heart.

This will seem irrelevant, but bear with me. I had a little extra time to get ready yesterday. I had done my hair nicely, I was wearing nicer clothes, and was wearing more make-up than usual. I had several of my girls teasingly ask me where I was going, assuming I was going out with someone. They kept saying that I was going on a date. All day yesterday, they kept saying, “Lindsey’s going on a date!” I just laughed at them. The only plans I had for the night was to go to a church service with some friends.

So I went to the service last night and after the service is over, the people typically go to the front and just start praying over each other. God used me to prophesy over some of my friends that I went with, and that was really cool. But then people started praying and prophesying over me. It quickly became very clear that God wanted to speak to me about closeness and intimacy with him as well. I hadn’t really told anyone there how God had been speaking to me about that before. But people began prophesying over me saying things like, “Lindsey, God is going to use your quiet times in the small gray rooms and use it to give you life and paint your community of grey with all sorts of colors. And that’s all going to spring from the quiet times when you’re growing closer to God. God is going to be closer than your skin.” Or another one prayed, “Lindsey, I see your passion for God and for serving him. God just give her more of you. Bring her closer to you.” Another prayed that I would be close to God and talked about, “Taking God out for a slice of pizza” or taking time to “sit at the feet of Jesus.” And still another prophesied that, “God want(ed) to take me on a metaphorical date” and be close to me. People probably prayed over me for a solid ten or fifteen minutes and the theme of everyone’s prayers was intimacy and closeness with God.

Turns out I was going on a date, a date with my savior and king and close friend, my God. It was so cool how God tied everything together last night. And it confirmed that God really does want to bring me so much closer to him! I cannot wait to see what God does with the semester as I strive to be closer to him. I can’t wait to see what blooms out of a close and intimate relationship with God. I’m so excited to see what awesome and radical and amazing things God does! I’m sure it’s more than I can even imagine right now! But I can’t wait for that time to come so I can experience it! I can’t wait to be so close to God that it is like having another person in the room all the time.

“I don’t wanna talk about you, like you’re not in the room. I wanna look right at you, I wanna sing right to you.” –You Won’t Relent, Jesus Culture