Sunday, September 13, 2015

Rejoicing, Hoping, Praying

Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

This verse kind of summarizes my weekend. God has been hitting home with some big lessons for me this week. I wanted to share about them.

Rejoice- For my personal devotions, I have been reading through Revelation. I read chapter 4 most recently and was reminded of God’s holiness and the fact that he is worthy to be praised. Revelation makes it pretty clear that God is worthy to be praised just for being God. But Revelation also lists other reasons why we should praise God. We should praise God because he is powerful [Revelation 4:5]. We should praise God because he is outside of time (was, and is, and is to come) [Revelation 4:8]. And we should praise God because he created all things [Revelation 4:11]. Above all else, in spite of anything else, we must remember that God is worthy of our praise and so we have reason to rejoice in him.

Hope- God taught me a lesson on hope this weekend too. I arrived at church on Sunday morning to hear that one of the members of our church that has used a walker for as long as we’ve been there, was hospitalized with a heart attack and loss of oxygen and is on life support. It is what seems like a hopeless situation. If he recovers, he goes back to life with a walker and other health issues. But if he doesn’t recover, he dies. To the world, that is a hopeless situation. But to the believer, there is hope on both ends because of Christ. No matter what, we know that God is his provider. We know that even if Bob never finds healing on earth, there is eternal healing waiting for him in Heaven. I can never understand how people can through life without Christ, because without him there is no hope. This verse reminds us to rejoice in that hope that we have which will help us to be patient in tribulation.

Prayer- Lastly, God taught me about prayer this week. Patrick and I went to see “The War Room” on Friday night and I thought it was one of the better Christian movies that have come out recently. It was an excellent reminder of the power of God that is accessible to us through prayer. I was convicted to spend more time praying over things and less time trying to fight battles on my own. This verse instructs us to be constant in prayer- definitely easier said than done. My prayer life isn’t so hot but this verse adds to the importance of heating it up. How much effort we put into fighting battles on our own when we have a God that wants to help us! That is all the more reminder to be constant in prayer.

Rejoice in God because he is worthy of praise. Hold fast in hope in Christ. And  spend time in constant prayer to the one who is worthy of all power, glory, and honor.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Confessions of a Pittsburgh Missionary: The Harvest

July 18-August 7, 2015

I know, I know, it’s about a month later and there’s three weeks of ministry that you never got to read about. So here I am, more than a month later, writing the last installment of updates from the summer ministry. Maybe once I explain what’s been happening in my life over the course of the past month or so, you’ll understand why I’m just now getting to this update.

I spent Saturday, July 18 volunteering at the local rescue mission in Pittsburgh. This is always an eye opening and humbling experience for me. It’s also good for me to get involved in ministries that require me to do the behind the scenes work or that is just serving people. I am all too often used to ministries where I am the one leading or doing the evangelizing. But it is good to spend some time just serving.

The next week, we had two clubs. Both of these clubs were going to be at Salvation Armies. A summer missionary from Westmoreland County, Dakota, was scheduled to help me that week. Unfortunately she was only able to help the first two days because she got sick after that. I was praising God for a committed and available board that gave up their time to help me the other three days of the week. We went to the first club, which was a day camp with the Salvation Army in Homewood-Brushton. The kids were a good group of kids and we had a lot of fun with them. This was a new club and a new opportunity to reach the kids. I had conversations with some of the older boys in the club about who Jesus was, how we knew he was real, and other deep questions. Once that club was over, we drove down the street into East Liberty to do a club at the Salvation Army Family Caring Center. This is a homeless shelter that we went to last year. It was once again, one of my favorite clubs for the summer. We had five little ones that were full of energy and love. One of the little girls at that club was named Yazlin. She was talking to me one day and when I was asking her about sin, she mentioned that she sinned and so did her mommy because her mommy stole from stores and had been kicked out of CVS and Target and the list went on. She also mentioned that her father was in prison and so they were living in the shelter. I was heartbroken for this little girl. I was especially heartbroken because she spoke about this so nonchalantly. This was her life. She knew that what her parents had done was wrong but it was a normal part of everyday life for her. Even at 7 years old, Yazlin had witnessed and faced a lot more struggle in life than I ever had. The good news is that Yazlin and two other boys accepted the Lord as their Savior that week. Now, even though there’s not much hope in the world they live in, they have hope in the Lord in Heaven.

The next week was one of the busiest weeks of the summer but also another good one. We partnered with Hosanna House Ministries in Wilkinsburg and helped out with their summer day camp. We took over an hour rotation of their regular schedule. This was 10 AM to 4 PM every day and it was 6 rotations of kids and took lots of our energy. But these kids were a ton of fun and we really enjoyed our time with them even though we were exhausted at the end of every day. I had two favorite memories from that club that stand out to me. The first is that after giving an invitation with one of the groups, nearly all of the boys in the group responded. Granted, a lot of those boys were just copying others. But I believe we still had nine of those boys give their lives to Christ that day. The second was that while I was counseling a group of girls, I asked one girl there if she had ever believed in Jesus as her Savior before. She explained that she had believed and given her life to Jesus while I was just talking. I was reminded once again that this work of evangelism is not done by my own strength, but through the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to his children. There were about 160 children enrolled in the camp and at the end of the week, we saw 31 of those children give their lives to Christ. It was an awesome week of ministry.

At the end of that week we put on a Summer Scoop event that was supposed to be an end of summer celebration for all of the children that we reached. Unfortunately, only 2 children showed up. It was yet again, an excellent reminder to be flexible in ministry. We went on with the program with the kids and board members that had shown up. Even though it wasn’t what we were hoping for, it was still a good time of fellowship for all that were there.

That brought me to the last week of summer ministry, August 3-7. This week was much calmer than the prior week as we just had three house clubs. House clubs usually have a lot less children than community centers and since it was the last week, I was kind of looking forward to a break. Mary was back to help me with the clubs for the week since AJ was at horse camp. Our first club that week was at a house in the North Hills. This club was a ton of fun and another one of my favorite clubs that summer. The kids were definitely suburban, upper class, churched children and were completely different than most of the other children we had encountered that summer. But they were so much fun! They loved the club and were very enthusiastic. They were also a bunch of nerdy, Harry Potter loving, and goofy kids- I suspect that’s why I liked them so much. We didn’t see any salvations at that club but we did have a few days where we just allowed the kids to ask some really deep and important questions like, “If Jesus is the only way into Heaven, where did people go when they died before Jesus died on the cross?” Ministry isn’t just fruitful when you can count salvations. This was definitely a fruitful club even without salvations.

After that, we went to a café in the North Hills that my friend owns. This was a tough club as not many kids were in attendance. But we did gain a family of neighborhood girls that came several days. We made the most of the children that we had and still had a good club. I was encouraged a few days ago to see a Facebook post from my friend that owns the café with a picture of her daughter and one of the neighborhood girls. The girls said they were already saved but they didn’t go to a church. I am praying that my friend and her family will be able to continue ministering to this family.

And the last club of the week was at one of our board member’s homes in Wexford. This was another small club of girls that were already churched. We weren’t able to meet every day but we did have a good time with the kids that we had. One of the girls had been attending Good News Club for a while and one day, she was the only one. On that day, I handed her the pictures and let her tell me the story as best as she could. It was an excellent opportunity to disciple her and hopefully put a spark for missions and teaching in her heart. She was only 10-12 years old, but she was really mature and I know God has big things in store for her. Be praying for growth in Christ for Celeste.

If you haven’t already heard, that week ended in me getting engaged and so things have been pretty busy since then. But God is good and it was a good summer. It wasn’t always easy at times and I was definitely forced to be flexible and trust in God even it seemed like everything had gone to chaos. But God never stopped being in control. At the end of the summer we had reached about 500 children and saw 62 of those children make first time salvation decisions. It was a great summer and God did an awesome thing in Pittsburgh.

I am getting married, graduating, and moving on from Pittsburgh. It saddened my heart a bit in that last week to know how much of a harvest for ministry and evangelism there is in Pittsburgh. I can only pray that God will send someone into that harvest as I move onto another harvest. Pray with me that God would send willing laborers into the harvest so that even more can come to know the Lord as their Savior.