Monday, October 10, 2016

One a Day: Bible Challenge

I want to give testimony which means that I also need to be transparent and honest…

I really suck at reading my Bible regularly.

It is and always has been a struggle of mine. I so easily get caught up in the busyness of life, the busyness of ministry even, that I feel like I'm doing good if I can even manage to take 2 minutes out of my day to read a quick YouVersion devotional. And not that there’s no merit at all to that, but it definitely doesn’t impact my life with the word of God. Let me tell you, I felt the impact of this in my spiritual life.

I have definitely been in a spiritual dry spell for some time.

Recently we got a desk/bookshelf together and so I finally got around to organizing some of the boxes we had just left in storage in our second bedroom/office. In one of those boxes was an extra journaling Bible that was the result of an ordering mishap for our wedding. (We used one as a guest book but ended up with a second one because Patrick’s friend, Andy was concerned the one he ordered online wouldn't come in time). So we had this extra one lying around the house. As I picked it up and thumbed through it, I thought how convenient such a Bible made doing devotions because there was room to journal right next to the word, which is ideally how I like to have my devotions. So I decided to start using it for my personal devotional Bible.

This is how I know my brain is a weird place…

Just the idea that I could journal right in Bible was enough motivation for me to actually get into the word again. Knowing that I could hold one book instead of both my Bible and my journal made it seem easier. It makes no sense, because it still takes just as much time and sometimes I still write a reflection in my journal, but whatever… it works for me.

As I picked it up to decide which chapter I wanted to start in, Patrick suggested, “Just start in the beginning…” Immediately my brain starts coming up with excuses, “I already know so many of the Genesis stories…” “But I could be reading something from the New Testament…” But the more I thought about it, the more I decided that the beginning did in fact seem like a pretty good place to start.

Would you believe I made it through 5 years of Bible College, and I still have not read the Bible entirely?

It’s somewhat embarrassing actually, though I know many Christians are in the same boat as me. I actually had a non-Christian ask me one time, “How can you be sure you believe it if you’ve never read the whole thing?” Now of course I still have read much of it and know the themes and meaning of the Bible as a whole, but I have always known reading the Bible in its entirety is important.

I’m not a fan of one-year Bible reading plans.

They don’t work well for me and they often make me feel like I’m reading just to accomplish a goal of reading it. Plus it usually has me reading so much at a time that I have a hard time applying and gaining the meaning out of it. So I decide to make a simple goal for myself…

Read straight through the Bible at least one chapter a day, every day.

I know it may not be the most practical plan. I know it will take a long time (3.25 years). But I want to soak in the word of God. I want to take it one chapter at a time and truly meditate on that chapter. I don’t want to read it just to finish it in a certain amount of time, but read it to truly learn it on a personal level and to know God. I know there will be long days and short days. I know there will be painfully boring books and really exciting ones. But it’s all in the Bible for a reason, so I want to read it.

I’ve missed a few days already.
I’ll be honest, I haven’t been perfect so far. But I have done SO, SO, SO much better than before. So far I am on Genesis 5. And guess what, already I am noticing the power that being in God’s word on a regular basis has made in my life. I feel like I am hearing from God again. I am gleaning more from speakers of God’s word and I have a passion for living life for God again. I don’t feel like I am just going through the motions but rather that I am passionately living life for God. I’m actually finding that I want to spend time in the word and I look forward to reading the next chapter.

And that’s only after a few days.

Not only that, I am getting so much out of it. I mean I’ve read stories like the creation account, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel… all stories that I’ve heard time and time again. And with every chapter I read, I have gained something new out of it. I have been able to pull out an application for my own life from the Word of God. I feel like God is truly speaking to me through his word as I step out in obedience and challenge myself in this way.

At first I didn’t want to tell anyone about this challenge…

I was nervous to tell anyone that I had challenged myself to do this because I didn’t want people to know if I failed. Tonight, I changed my mind. On my own, I will most certainly fail. I need the help of others to hold me accountable. I need people to ask me how my Bible reading plan is going. I’m not going to prepare for failure but rather set up and plan for success. So please, hold me accountable. Ask me how the plan is going. Ask me where I’m at in the Bible. This is at least a 3 and a quarter year journey I am embarking on. I know I may miss days here and there, but I know I’ll stop altogether if no one helps me.

And maybe… MAYBE I’ll do blog updates as I continue on this journey.

If God has done this much work through just 5 chapters of his word, I’m interested to see what other changes I will see in myself as I continue reading. There truly is power in God’s word. It is definitely living and active. I wonder what it will activate in me.

Please join me in this.

Hold me accountable and ask me about it. Maybe you need to challenge yourself to read a chapter a day all the way through too. And you can also subscribe to a Daily Bible Message that I send out. I have been writing these daily devotions based on my reading for the day and based on my personal reflection of the word. And look for blog updates about what God continues to do in me as I stay in his word.