Sunday, July 10, 2011

It's Mid-July

Okay, so it's almost mid-July. I have exactly 44 more days until I can move into college! Needless to say, I'm pumped. I went to Wal-Mart with mom today and we started buying towels and stuff. At first I figured, it's just towels, like who cares what they look like right? But then Mom goes and says, "You might have these towels to use until you get married." Whoa! The pressure is on! I'm using these towels for the rest of my single life? I guess I better picked some out that I really like. Needless to say, our trip to Wal-Mart probably took a lot longer than it should have. But oh well, it happens. Maybe eventually I'll get everything I need for school. Right now everything is just in piles on my bedroom floor and I'm not completely sure what I have and what I don't. I need to make a list! But before I do that, I need to finish all my Thank You letters. There were a lot of people that gave me stuff! I don't know if I'll ever finish! And not to mention I work crazy hours. This week looks like it'll be a little better. Hopefully I'll get more done.

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