Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Nutty Scenario

This is a short story I had to write for my computers apps class. It's a fun read! Enjoy! =)

I’d been sleeping when a strange noise woke me up. I got up and started to creep to the front door of my house to peer outside. I was curious as to what might be creeping around outside. Then I got a whiff of a familiar smell, a smell that was all too familiar to me. I knew then what was going on. Everyone in the neighborhood was sleeping so I knew a cry for help would either go unheard or be ignored. Plus, this was my chance to catch him. This was my chance to go after my enemy of old.
 I went back into my house and got the one tool I needed to take him down, my Frisbee. Once armed, I slowly crept outside with my eyes open and my ears up. I was excited; I knew this would be the night! Tonight was the night that I’d finally catch him! He’d been harassing me and stressing me out since I had moved in. Tonight was the night! Then I heard something move. My head moved sharply towards the noise and there he was, staring me down in the moonlight with a smirk on his face and an acorn in hand. “You’re mine now, Nutty!” I growled loudly at him.
He cackled, “Never!”

I was even angrier now. Filled with confidence, I yelled, “I will be VICTORIOUS!” I sprang towards him but that’s when the chain held me back.

That’s when the lights in the master’s house turned on and I heard him coming out. He surveyed the situation before saying, “Sparky! It’s midnight! Stop barking, you dumb dog! You’ll wake the neighbors! It’s just a squirrel.”

Nutty cackled, “Better luck next time, my canine friend!”

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