Monday, November 7, 2011

What is Love?

Love is not warm fuzzy feelings and butterflies. Love is not blushing when she holds your hand.
Love is not being all giggly when he kisses your cheek.
Love is not a mutual attraction.        
Love is not an emotional feeling you get inside.
Love is not what people make it out to be.

Love is patient, kind, and does not envy.
Love is not boastful, and is not proud, and does not dishonor others.
Love is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, and keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth.
Love is protecting, trusting, hopeful, and persevering.
Love is unfailing.

Love is not an emotional feeling.
Love is not a status.
Love is a choice you make from the heart.
Love is an action.

Love is based on God.
Love is in God.
Love is of God.
Love is because of God.
Love is shown by God.
God is love.

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