Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Love of God

God doesn't work through three point outlines and checklists... he doesn't fit into them. Christianity isn't supposed to be about figuring out where I'm lacking and making it better. It's not about fixing the things that are wrong in my life in order to make God happy. It's about loving God so that he will be the source of my happiness. We are not the source of God's happiness, he doesn't need us in order for him to be happy. It's not about me fixing me so that I can be a better daughter to God. It's about me loving God and letting God in so that He can fix because I am his daughter that he can't love any more or less. God loves us so much that it's impossible for him to love us any more than he already does.

It's not that there's a measurement of God's love that the human mind can't comprehend. It's that there is no measurement to God's love at all. The fact that there is no measurement and no end is what humans cannot fully understand. Jesus knew every single one of my failures, even ones that haven't happened yet, and he bought me anyway. It's like buying a car that doesn't work, fixing it, knowing that it will most likely break down again, but still choosing to buy and keep fixing it every time.

God does not only know how many hairs are on our head, he knows which one started to grow first and what each one looks like.

I don't wanna talk about God, I wanna talk TO God. I should want to show off God like a child shows off a trophey. We don't see God with our eyes, we see God with our hearts.

God may get mad at me, but only because he loves me and wants better for me.

God promises me that he will help me. I can't fix myself. I can't even fix myself with God's help... God has to fix me. I just have to let him. It's not a list of steps and procedures to go through so I can be renewed... it's all HIM! And when I ask him to fix me, he will... it's that simple. God... it's not me... it's you. I don't want my faith to be about me, I want it to be about God!

There's no pressure to succeed and do well in order to please God. He already knows the outcome of my efforts, he loves me anyway. He just wants me to love him and give myself over to him, he'll work with me as we go. He just wants me to persevere and strive for him, to pursue him. He will meet me in those efforts. When I fail, he'll be there to help me back up and fix me up so I can keep moving. God bought it all. Jesus died for me and all that I can't be too. He doesn't just want the good parts of me... he wants it all so he can fix the bad parts too.

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