Friday, October 12, 2012


Tonight at church people were laying hands on me and praying over me. I was in prayer myself, listening for anything God might be saying to me. One of the people praying for me was praying that God would give me direction and that he would make his will very clear to me. Shortly after he prayed that, I started to get a mental picture of a tea bag in a small glass of water. At first I thought it was just a random thought but then God started speaking to my heart about it. He said “Dilute into the water that you are in now and someday I will give you an ocean.” I thought it was really cool and encouraging. God spoke to my heart about big things a while ago. That word that I received today was confirmation that he has big things in his will for my life.

It was also an encouraging night because God gave me some prophetic words for other people. I went to church and prayed, “Okay God, I’ve learned the gifts of tongues. Tonight I wanna flow in the gift of prophecy.” And in two instances when I was praying over friends God gave me a mental image that I believed meant something for that person. One time I pictured a tree and knew to pray, “I pray that you will be like a tree. You grew up from something small but now you provide shade and comfort for those around you.” It was really cool. I can’t wait to see what other gifts of the spirit God teaches me in the time to come!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Continued Revelation

October 7, 2012
Almost two months have passed since I left Costa Rica. It has been amazing to see how God has continued to work in my life and show me things since then. I returned to school hungry for more of God and desiring to experience him in new ways. I started trying out some extra worship night services in addition to searching for a new church. These worship services were more charismatic and a little more similar to the worship style that I experienced in Costa Rica.
            I went to these services seeking the Holy Spirit. I understood that the Holy Spirit was God’s way of doing his will on Earth through me. I understood that baptism of the Holy Spirit was biblical and something to be desired. I was ready to be filled and experience God in this new way. One night at one of the worship services, after the worship and the message had ended we were shifting into a time of ministering to each other. The pastor called out the crowd and asked if anyone wanted to be prayed over for baptism in the Holy Spirit. I was nervous, it had been my first time coming to this service and I was nervous to go up in front of everyone. So I just waited. But a Davis friend that I had gone to the service with asked me later on if I wanted to be prayed for. I agreed then.
The people laid hands on me and prayed in their prayer languages for me. I held out my hands, ready to receive the spirit. For some people, the gift of tongues is received at the time of baptism of the Holy Spirit. I was ready for that to happen but I wasn’t sure if it would. I was just focusing on God while people continued praying over me. I was standing in front of a pew but as people prayed I felt myself begin to go backwards. They helped me to sit down on the pew and I continued to soak up the presence of God while they continued to pray for me. But as much as I hoped it would, and as much as I was praying for it, I didn’t burst out speaking in tongues. However, while just the Davis students were praying for the school, I was trying to pray in tongues. A random phrase popped into my head then but I wasn’t sure if it was from God or if it was just me making it up. But I remembered that phrase. Later on, in some stressful situations in the month or so that followed I repeated that phrase in prayer. I wasn’t sure if it was tongues or not but I figured I should at least keep trying to pray in tongues. I was waiting on God to reveal the gift of tongues to me.
God had been convicting me that I wasn’t spending enough time with him. I was slacking off and doing a horrible job of being in the word. So I worked up a system to try to help myself to get in the Bible more. I had been faithfully reading my Bible daily for about a week. During this time, I started to have random spurts of gibberish. If I was letting out a sigh often times a little bit of gibberish would follow. Sometimes if I was really excited about something, I’d open my mouth and some gibberish would come out. I just assumed it was me being goofy. I didn’t think a whole lot of it. But on one occasion when I did it, my friend Kayla looked at me and laughed and asked, “Are you speaking in tongues over there?” And I wasn’t sure but at times I had wondered the same thing. What if that was speaking in tongues and I didn’t even realize it. As I began to think about it more, I had a heavy suspicion that tongues was manifesting itself and I just didn’t know what it was to be able to control it or use it when I wanted to.
When I realized this I began to try practicing quietly while sitting in my room. I was kind of whispering because I didn’t want other people walking past to hear me. To me it kind of seemed like it was just a bunch of mushed together syllables but I kept practicing. Later that night, I was at a prayer group that I have started. After we pray I have added a time of worship. I play some worship music and we all grab our Bibles and start spending some time with Jesus right after praying together.
During this time in personal prayer I was spending with God, I was thinking about tongues. I was wondering if the gift had really manifested itself in me. It seemed to simple and natural. But during my time in prayer I realized that I was waiting for some big and magical out-of-body experience from God. At that time God spoke to my heart and revealed to me that he didn't always work that way. Often times our God is a God of order and logic a lot more than we give him credit for. I realized it didn't have to be an out-of-body experience. It could just happen as naturally as me beginning to speak my prayer language without even trying to or realizing it.
Around the time that I realized this, everyone else had left and it was just me in the room. I decided that I was going to try speaking in tongues audibly this time. I opened my mouth and the tongues started to flow. I just kept going and praying in tongues. It was really cool. Satan tried to bring me down by placing doubt in my head. “Is this really tongues? Or am I just making this up?” But then I laughed as I thought, “I know this has to be tongues because I am not creative enough to make this up on my own.” Plus it came so easily, I wasn't stuttering trying to think up the next word, I just opened my mouth and talked and let the Holy Spirit pray through me. It was awesome! I was so excited to receive the gift of tongues.
Since then I have been able to go back to the same service where I was initially prayed over and I got to pray over others in tongues. I have been practicing as often as possible and it has been awesome! And the joy that I have had in my heart since then has been amazing. I have felt so full. And the presence and love of God has overwhelmed me. It blows me away to know for sure that the Holt Spirit is in me and has given me these gifts. I am so excited to see what other things I discover over time. I know God has more gifts for me and I am ready to receive them.