Friday, October 12, 2012


Tonight at church people were laying hands on me and praying over me. I was in prayer myself, listening for anything God might be saying to me. One of the people praying for me was praying that God would give me direction and that he would make his will very clear to me. Shortly after he prayed that, I started to get a mental picture of a tea bag in a small glass of water. At first I thought it was just a random thought but then God started speaking to my heart about it. He said “Dilute into the water that you are in now and someday I will give you an ocean.” I thought it was really cool and encouraging. God spoke to my heart about big things a while ago. That word that I received today was confirmation that he has big things in his will for my life.

It was also an encouraging night because God gave me some prophetic words for other people. I went to church and prayed, “Okay God, I’ve learned the gifts of tongues. Tonight I wanna flow in the gift of prophecy.” And in two instances when I was praying over friends God gave me a mental image that I believed meant something for that person. One time I pictured a tree and knew to pray, “I pray that you will be like a tree. You grew up from something small but now you provide shade and comfort for those around you.” It was really cool. I can’t wait to see what other gifts of the spirit God teaches me in the time to come!

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