Friday, November 1, 2013

Nothing I Hold Onto

We held Ruah, a worship and prayer night for the students here at school, tonight. It was a powerful time and God really moved in the hearts of many that came. He especially moved in my heart! And it was so awesome to see how God spoke through me but also to me in the same message. It was powerful to see how he used some of the stuff I had been struggling with this week and turned it into a means of encouraging others. I was truly blessed by just how simply good God really is.
I personally had been struggling through out the week and semester to live for God wholeheartedly. It is so easy to let other people, or things, sins, or addictions get in the way of having a deeper walk with God. So as I have been seeking out this deeper walk with God, desiring to gain a new level of intimacy with him, it is only natural that he is making me more aware of the things that I have put before him in my life. I needed this message tonight as much as anyone else there did!
I delivered this brief message before the people spent some time in group prayer. I wanted to share it with you too! At the bottom there is also a video version of the message if you would rather watch that. I hope you are blessed by this too!

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Who are you worshiping? What consumes you? I think we'd all like to say that God does, but is that really the truth? God is pursuing you and he wants to be near to you. He loves you and wants to have a close relationship with you. But we get so distracted by the things of this world that don't enter into a closer relationship with him. So instead we have half-hearted relationships with God. We invite him into our lives, but we invite the things of the world in too. We let worldly things take the place of a Holy God. 
And then we get addicted, and instead of trying to draw close to God, we let these things, these idols take control. We all know what our idol is. It's different for each of us. For some people it's a person, for others a thing, for some a sin. But we all struggle with something.
But the Bible says in James 4:8 " Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world." Surrender yourself fully to God. God is right here in this room waiting for you to come back to him. He has been standing here with open arms and he desires for you to come back into them. He wants to be close to you. 
So tonight is the night to let go of that idol in your life, stop living half-heartedly for God and live a life of self-abandon, living wholeheartedly for God! Find people to pray with and spend some times praying over the idol in your life that is keeping you from having a closer walk with God. 

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