Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kingdom Work

Yesterday in Good News Club, the lesson was on the twelve disciples joining Jesus in his ministry. The application for the kids was to commit their lives wholly to Jesus and go a step further than just believing in him. We were trying to teach the kids to be willing to give everything to Jesus and serve him wholeheartedly. So in addition to giving an invitation for salvation at the end of the message, I gave an invitation for the kids to also commit their lives to Jesus.

I had two little boys come back to talk to me about committing their lives to Jesus. We were discussing what it really meant to commit your life to God. I asked them to explain it to me in their own words.  One little boy spoke up and said, “It means to give up your job for God!” That was pretty close but I want them to understand it didn’t mean you had to be unemployed to serve God. So we were talking about how we could use our jobs to serve God. I asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up, one little boy said, “I wanna make books!” The other boy said, “I wanna be a church pastor!” I started explaining to them how they could use their jobs to serve God. To which one of them said excitedly, “I can make books about God!” And the other boy added, “Yeah! Or you can make Bibles!” The conversation was sweet and warmed my heart. Our time together concluded with me having them pray to commit their lives to God and step over a line to showing they were going all in for Jesus. 

“Dear Jesus, thank you for loving me. I want to give you every part of me. I want you to use me. I will go where you go. I will do what you tell me to. And I will tell whoever you want me to. I give you myself. I commit my life to you.”

Upon reflection of the events yesterday, I am just overwhelmed by how good God is. He is using me to make an impact in these children’s lives and it just blows my mind sometimes. I could be planting seeds and teaching future Christian authors or pastors. And maybe the decision they made started or was helped along because God used me in their lives to plant that seed. I think of all the children that God has allowed me to lead to Christ and I am overwhelmed when I think about how much of an impact that will make on the kingdom. I am one person, but through the people I tell I can make a huge impact in the kingdom of God. And that is ridiculously cool to be a part of!

I don’t say this to brag on myself. It’s nothing I have done. Most of the time I can hardly keep my train of thought long enough to make a statement that means anything, much less stand in front of people and teach them about the Bible. But God uses me in spite of me. He gives me the words to say and leads me in the direction I should go. So it is nothing that I have done through my power. But it sure is cool to see that God can use me in his kingdom anyway.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goals for 2014 and a Testimony of Transformation

Seven years ago on this day, January 2nd, and right around this time, my grandma Betty passed away. You may be thinking this is the start of a sad story, but it's not. You see about three or four years before she died, I witnessed my grandma give her life to the Lord. But I saw more than just a confession of belief from her, I got to see her life change! She had a new joy in life, a new love for the people around her, and a new hope that wiped out many of her fears. I remember her telling me after she gave her life to the Lord, "I used to be afraid of dying. But I'm not afraid anymore because I know where I'm going." The transformation that I witnessed my grandma go through because of her belief in the Lord was amazing. She was the definition of becoming a NEW CREATION in Christ. I remember many things about her, but what has stuck with me the most is how she loved God and openly allowed him to change her life. And THAT was the most inspiring thing about her. 

 Eventually grandma died of cancer, and when she finally went, I was glad that she was finally able to go home and not suffer here any longer. She is in Heaven now, passionately worshiping the King. And cancer is not holding her back there. Sure, I still miss my grandma, I wish she could have been around for more of my life. But I know without a doubt that I'll see her again someday. And I am so glad to know with assurance that I will spend eternity with our Savior with her. Grandma gave me a lot of presents during her life time, but the assurance of getting to see her again is the best one she EVER gave me. Do you have assurance of salvation in your life? Have you given your family and friends the gift of assurance that when you leave this earth you will see them again one day? What are you waiting for?

This year in 2014, I want to be as open to letting God transform my life for the good as my grandma was. In 2014, I want to experience what it means to be a new creation in Christ.

Romans 12:1-2 “Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve the will of God, his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away and the new has come.”