Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Prepare for Take-Off: My Life in 2014

2014 kinda felt like the year life started taking off for me. There were a lot of changes, some scary and some exciting. There were also a lot of blessings and lessons too. Over all, I grew a lot and changed a lot, so I thought I’d recap my year here.

I definitely make the most of the opportunities that Davis offers and manage to stay pretty busy. I am an RA in the girls’ dorms which also includes leading a small group Bible study, which I enjoy. I am still working with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Broome County as an office assistant and Good News Club teacher. I enjoy doing the office work and also having an opportunity to have a job that allows me to lead children to the Lord and teach them more about him. I continue to be a part of a student led monthly worship night called Ruah. In addition to all of those things, I started volunteering on Saturdays at a youth center in Binghamton. I started taking voice lessons through Davis and really enjoyed getting back into singing. And in my free time (the little I have) I enjoy writing as a hobby. I like to write poems and blog posts and I had a blast writing my first serious novel. I just recently finished and am now in the process of editing it. Mostly I write for fun, but it would be great to see it published someday. Please let me know if you’d like to read it!
I turned 21 in February 2014. I decided to give myself a birthday present by getting my first tattoo. I got the “Blessings, May 31, 2009” tattooed onto my left shoulder blade. That is the date that I had my brain infection and is a reminder to me that even in the biggest trials, God’s blessings can be found. May 31, 2014 marked 5 healthy years since I had the brain infection. I am thankful and blessed! Turning 21 is probably a big reason why I felt like life started taking off. I have definitely noticed a difference in age this year. I have felt myself itching to be more independent and make decisions and choices on my own, which I know is a normal thing to desire and a part of growing up. I know God is preparing me for big things and I can’t wait until my life finishes taking off.
There were several fun events in the spring 2014 semester. My parents came up and celebrated my birthday with me and my friends. I got to go to a masquerade ball at Davis, so that was fun to get dressed up and have a good time with friends. I went on a NYC bus trip with Davis and enjoyed a day touring the city with some of my friends. My favorite thing to do in spring 2014 was to hang out with some of the awesome friends I have made at Davis.

Even though spring 2014 was a good semester, I spent a lot of it feeling rather anxious about my Grandpa’s cancer and knowing that I would have to part ways with my friends at the end of the semester because many of them were moving onto different places. God spoke to me a lot during that time to remind that even though life was uncertain, he was my solid rock, certain and unchanging. On May 6, 2014 I was forced to face both of these impending events that I had been dreading all semester long. It was the last day of the semester and I got a phone call from my mom that Grandpa had passed away. This forced me to also have to say goodbye to my friends a bit early. I had already known how good of friends they all were, but they proved it to me once again that day. As we gathered to say our goodbyes, they went around in a circle and all said something that they loved about me. I got into the car and reluctantly drove away knowing that when I returned to Davis it was going to be a very different place for me. It was definitely an emotional day. As I saw a rainbow in the sky on the drive home, however, I was reminded of God’s faithfulness. Through that rainbow, he reminded me that even on the darkest, rainiest, and cloudiest of days, his faithfulness prevails and he will never let us down even when people come in and out of our lives.

The summer brought on a new kind of adventure. I was finally able to leave my summer job of three years working at Kennywood Amusement Park. Child Evangelism Fellowship of Greater Pittsburgh offered me a job as the Summer Ministries Coordinator. This was definitely a new “big girl” job as I was the acting director over CEF’s 5-Day Club summer ministry and another reason I feel like life started to take off in 2014. My job was to both schedule and oversee the summer missionaries at the 5-Day Clubs. I was blessed when my best friend, Nikki, who I met through CEF in 2008, came and spent a week of her vacation time with me so she could help out. She has been a great friend through the years and I am definitely blessed by her friendship! We reached around 340 kids and saw 50 of them make a decision to ask Jesus to clean their hearts from sin. So it was definitely an exciting summer as God used me in big ways. I was definitely stretched and grew a lot as a result of working with CEF Pittsburgh.
Alex, my brother, joined me at Davis for the 2014-2015 school year. I was a little nervous to start the fall 2014 semester without my friends there. But God continued to speak to me about his faithfulness and provision. The first couple weeks were hard and I faced feeling rather lonely due to the friendship dynamics that had drastically changed without my friends there. It definitely wasn't made any easier when I found out that my pastor of almost 15 years was going to be resigning from my home church because he felt God leading him elsewhere. But God was faithful to provide for me when I met Patrick. Patrick and I got to know each other and after praying about it, we started dating on September 25, 2014. He got to come home with me in October to meet my family and friends. I got to go home with him to Wilmington, North Carolina for Thanksgiving to meet his. Dating and relationships has been something God has been working on my heart with for several years now. So this was a pretty big life step for me to take to get into a relationship with Patrick. But we truly feel God has led us into this relationship with big plans in mind for us. Being in a relationship with Patrick is definitely yet another way that life has started taking off. I am excited to see where God leads us in the next couple of years and am thankful for the company and leadership that Patrick gives me.
I got my first 4.0 in college this past semester at Davis, so that was a nice accomplishment. Though I am a senior, I have one more year after this year because I am doing a double concentration and taking more credits. I will graduate with a bible degree with concentrations in teaching English as a second language and Christian counseling. Right now I am feeling called to ministry within the states, possibly in the inner city with children. We will see where God leads though! I enjoy being involved in various things at Davis and will definitely be sad when my time there comes to a close.
One of the major themes of 2014 has definitely been God’s faithfulness. Though there were many changes and big steps in 2014, God remained the same through it all. I have faith that as my life continues to take off and I continue to change, God will be right there with me, guiding me and anchoring me in the faithful way that he always has.
I hope that God is as good and faithful to you in 2015 as he was to me in 2014.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Lonely Christmas

The Lonely Christmas

Twas the morning of Christmas and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
No one was coming to join in the jubilee.
No extra friends and no extended family.

Just one small family together for the holiday,
You see, everyone else was very far away.
Christmas apart can feel very lonely,
The house is quiet and it is family only.

It doesn’t feel like much of a celebration.
No extra fuss, no need for exclamation.
A loss of fellowship and camaraderie, 
Can often feel like Christmas joy robbery.

But so long ago on that oh holy night,
One small family met for that first silent night.
In a town far from home, away in a manger,
No friends or family came, just a few strangers.

And yet despite the lack of familiar faces,
A heavenly host came singing their praises.
Glory to God in the highest, Christ is born today.
Let us not forget, he’s the reason for this holiday.

So even though no extra people have come,
And that makes it quite easy to feel so glum.
Jesus was born to save us from our sinful state.
For that reason, there’s always cause to celebrate.

Christmas is not about Santa and presents,
It’s not about fellowship, friends, or events.
It’s about taking time to remember the day,
When God became flesh and chose to stay.

Help us to remember, Lord, what this day is all about.
The hope and joy you offer give us grounds to shout.
Remind us that you are with us always,
And that includes all of our lonely holidays.

So even when we’re feeling quite sad and alone,
We can still take joy in the love you’ve shown.
Though at times we feel the burn of unacceptance,
Let us always find peace in your holy presence.

Merry Christmas Jesus.