Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Lonely Christmas

The Lonely Christmas

Twas the morning of Christmas and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
No one was coming to join in the jubilee.
No extra friends and no extended family.

Just one small family together for the holiday,
You see, everyone else was very far away.
Christmas apart can feel very lonely,
The house is quiet and it is family only.

It doesn’t feel like much of a celebration.
No extra fuss, no need for exclamation.
A loss of fellowship and camaraderie, 
Can often feel like Christmas joy robbery.

But so long ago on that oh holy night,
One small family met for that first silent night.
In a town far from home, away in a manger,
No friends or family came, just a few strangers.

And yet despite the lack of familiar faces,
A heavenly host came singing their praises.
Glory to God in the highest, Christ is born today.
Let us not forget, he’s the reason for this holiday.

So even though no extra people have come,
And that makes it quite easy to feel so glum.
Jesus was born to save us from our sinful state.
For that reason, there’s always cause to celebrate.

Christmas is not about Santa and presents,
It’s not about fellowship, friends, or events.
It’s about taking time to remember the day,
When God became flesh and chose to stay.

Help us to remember, Lord, what this day is all about.
The hope and joy you offer give us grounds to shout.
Remind us that you are with us always,
And that includes all of our lonely holidays.

So even when we’re feeling quite sad and alone,
We can still take joy in the love you’ve shown.
Though at times we feel the burn of unacceptance,
Let us always find peace in your holy presence.

Merry Christmas Jesus.

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