Sunday, June 14, 2015

Confessions of a Pittsburgh Missionary: The Kick Off

Confessions of a Pittsburgh Missionary: The Kick Off      
May 18-June 12, 2015

The past month has been a bit of a blur. I can’t believe how quickly it has passed by! I returned to Pittsburgh from Binghamton on the 14th of May (without much help from my car) and got ready to start the summer. There have been some aspects of this year of CEF that have been easier. But there have also been some aspects that have been more challenging.

The first part that has been challenging is that we have only one part time summer missionary other than myself, AJ. Because he splits his summer between CEF and a camp, that leaves three weeks of the summer without a partner. At first I was confident that God would supply someone else. But he didn’t. While that was challenging at first, that doesn’t mean God didn’t provide. He has just provided in a different way than I planned. Two of the three weeks are going to be covered by a Westmoreland missionary, Mary. She helped me last summer as well so I am grateful for her help. One week has yet to be covered, I am working to make arrangements for that week still, but I am confident that God will provide even if it isn’t in the way that I am expecting now. I have continued to book our schedule with lots of good clubs, trusting that God will provide.

The second challenging part has been that I have very much felt like I was running behind schedule for most of the past month. There was so much to do and I felt like I should be twice ahead of where I was. But even in spite of my shortcomings, God has once again pulled it all together. We had several churches seeking out CEF for help with VBSs and whatnot. Though I lost a few locations from last summer, we got into several new ones. I have 15 clubs on the schedule and 3-4 more clubs in the works. I expect God will do a great work in Pittsburgh this summer and I am excited to dive into inner city ministry once again.

Scheduling in and of itself this summer was a bit easier than before since I already had many of my contacts from last summer. I definitely have fewer fears about working as the coordinator this year as compared to last year. I still don’t like making phone calls to strangers, but I was also able to do it with more confidence than last year. 5-Day Clubs are also less intimidating because I know what to expect from most of them. In spite of feeling like I was behind, everything got pulled together just in time and we are on our way to a successful summer of ministry.

This past week I went to a Vertical Church Band concert that was in Pittsburgh. I had gone to the same concert last summer as well. I remember that I had so many fears last summer. I had my fair share of fears about the summer ministry but I was especially struggling with the fear of being lonely in the approaching semester as most of my friends were not returning. One of their songs in particular spoke to me as it was about trusting in Christ, the solid rock, because he never moves. I clung to that song during last summer and even into the fall. I prayed that God would provide friends and I trusted that because God had called me to Davis, he would provide everything I needed. Last summer, God was really speaking to me about being willing to be lonely if that was the kind of trial I needed to grow closer to the Lord. This summer as I was at the concert, they played that song again. I smiled because I realized how different of a place I am in compared to last summer. I realized that God had answered all of those prayers. I had dared to trust God with uncertain situations last summer. This summer, I can look back and see how he was faithful to bring stability and blessings out of all those. I had an awesome summer last summer and God provided me with a best friend to be by my side throughout the school year, my boyfriend Patrick. His faithfulness continues to be evident and I am blessed. I know that God continues to be faithful and I can’t wait to see how his faithfulness is proved this summer.

AJ and I are at the week of state training this week. I’ve already encountered several old friends, and though I am tired, I am having fun. Pray for me as I make final arrangements for the summer. Pray for AJ as he has a long week of classes and evaluations ahead of him. And pray for Pittsburgh. Pray that the city would be ready for a team of CEF Missionaries to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ this summer. I am trusting God’s faithfulness and provision and expecting big things for the summer. 

This is only the kick off.

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