Friday, April 4, 2014

CEF Greater Pittsburgh Support Letter 2014

Dear Friends and Family,                        
Not many college students are able to have jobs they love. But I have been so blessed to be able to work in ministry as a part time job while I prepare for a lifetime career in ministry. After two summers of working with Child Evangelism Fellowship in 2008 and 2010, God brought CEF back into my life in January 2013. I was hired part time with CEF of Greater Broome County, New York have enjoyed working there during the school year. Through working with CEF again, God has re-ignited a passion for working in children’s ministry. This summer, God has opened a door for me to work with CEF of Greater Pittsburgh as the Summer Ministries Coordinator.

I am very excited to tackle this job and see what big things God has in store for the summer of 2014 with CEF Greater Pittsburgh! Child Evangelism Fellowship is an international children’s ministry. I love CEF because their ministries are intentional about taking the gospel into the communities, not just waiting for lost people to come to the church. During the summer, CEF’s main ministry is 5-Day Clubs, which is similar to a small-scale vacation Bible school. A 5-Day Club includes memory verses, Bible lessons, songs, missionary stories, games, and a gospel presentation. CEF recruits and trains summer missionaries to spend the summer leading local neighborhood children at these 5-Day Clubs. As the Summer Ministries Coordinator, I will be making contacts and scheduling 5-Day Clubs at various locations around the Greater Pittsburgh area. I’ll be in charge of coordinating and leading the summer missionaries. This will include helping them as they complete their training and guiding them in their ministry during the summer.

There are three ways you can help me in my ministry with CEF in the Greater Pittsburgh area this summer. The first way is by praying for me. Reaching children for Christ in the Pittsburgh area is a big job! I am not going into this blindly and am anticipating that it may be a challenging summer. More importantly than anything, I need you to lift me up in prayer this summer as I serve in ministry in the Greater Pittsburgh area.

Secondly, if you live in the Greater Pittsburgh area, you can help me by giving me any leads on possible locations for 5-Day Clubs. My goal for the summer is to have clubs as many different areas in the Greater Pittsburgh area as possible. We can hold a 5-Day Club pretty much anywhere they will let us: homes, backyards, parks, churches, youth centers, etc. We are even willing to partner with churches in a VBS setting. If you have any ideas for a good place to hold a 5-Day Club or are willing to host one, please get in touch with me as soon as possible.

Thirdly, you can support me financially. Being the Summer Ministries Coordinator is my summer job. Since I am also a full-time college student, a majority of my income for the year comes from working full time during the summer. I am stepping out in faith and trusting that the income I need for paying other bills will come even though I’ll be working in ministry. The CEF Greater Pittsburgh chapter has committed $1500 for the position. But I have the opportunity to match that salary by raising support so I can earn more for my work this summer. I know that times are tough, but I would ask that you would prayerfully consider supporting me financially this summer. I have found in my own life, that even when I did not feel like I had money to spare but gave willingly back to God, he was always faithful to provide for me. I am sure God will do the same in your life. I need to raise support by May 31. Any support that comes after that will go towards general ministry funds for the summer.  If you are willing to support me financially this summer, please make your check payable to:  CEF of Greater Pittsburgh and indicate "5-Day Club Coordinator Support" on the memo line.  Checks should be mailed to: CEF of Greater Pittsburgh, Box 122, Wexford, PA  15090.

Thank you in advance for any way you are able to partner in this ministry to children in the Greater Pittsburgh area this summer. Please be sure to let me know if you are supporting me through prayer. I want to keep you up to date on the events of the summer if you are going to support me in any way. I will likely be blogging throughout the summer to keep you all up to date on what God is doing! Thank you!
Lindsey Sutton

Matthew 19:14 “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’”

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