Sunday, April 6, 2014

Trusting God's Sovereignty- Ecclesiastes 11:5

I started a media ministry with the intention of reaching people using social media back in July 2012. I recently started sending out a daily verse and message as a branch of that ministry and this was the verse and message for today.

Ecclesiastes 11:5 “As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”

"Possibly one of the most difficult things to do in life is trust in God’s sovereignty when life seems crazy. But this verse is telling us that we cannot understand the works of God because his ways are so high above our ways. When your life is faced with tragedy or hard times, the last thing we naturally want to remember is that God is control. But while it is hard to remember, it is also the main thing that can give us peace! The God that holds the universe is also holding your life and cares about you. And while he might guide you down crazy paths that make no sense, he is in control. The fact is that God can see the big picture that we cannot, and he has a plan and a purpose for every twist and turn he takes us down in life. So when God starts to do things that you are having a hard time understanding, remember this verse. God is the maker of all things, he chooses the path that the wind takes and formed you in your mother’s womb. Even when you can’t understand what he is doing, he is good. Rest in that assurance today."

It’s so cool to see how often God ministers to you as you minister to others. Because I needed this message just as much as the people I sent it to do. It is so good to remember that even when life is uncertain, crazy, makes no sense, or is all over the place… God is still good. He is the maker of all things and he is in control of life’s craziness. He may lead us into things we cannot handle but only because of his beautiful design and only so we turn back to him for help. It is such a blessing to know that the same God who created and maintains the universe, is also the manager of my life. And in that knowledge, there is peace. Praise God.

By the way, if you’d like to receive a daily Bible message like this, send me an e-mail at and I’ll add you to my list!

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