Sunday, June 15, 2014

Confessions of a Pittsburgh Missionary: Holding My Every Moment

Confessions of a Pittsburgh Missionary: Holding My Every Moment
Week 5: June 8-June 14, 2014

This week was busy as I got ready to kick off the summer. I spent lots of tying getting packets of information sent out to hosts, designing and printing prayer cards for us, and making sure everything was in order so we could leave for training school on Saturday. Friday I started working at 11am and I spent the whole day working on stuff. It was pretty tiring.

But once I was all packed and had everything ready and had evaluated Chloe and AJ, we got up early Saturday morning and headed out to Orrstown, Pennsylvania for our week of CYIA Training School. We’re here now and so far we are having fun and making friends. It’s definitely going to be a long week and it’s going to involve a lot of learning and exhausting evaluations, but it’s always so worth it in the end.

On my way up I began reflecting on how far God had brought me since 2007 when I first felt the call to go and work with CEF. I was terrified and didn’t want to do it! But I knew God wanted me to. And here I am, seven years later, a coordinator for Pittsburgh. It is so cool to see how God works. He truly does hold the plan for our lives in his hands and guides our steps. I am so glad that I listened to God’s call as a fourteen year old instead of trying to fight it. I have so loved working with CEF as a result.

I love my job even more now that I am here. It’s taking some getting used to since I am a “senior staff Member.” It’s definitely an adjustment from being used to being a regular missionary all the other years. But I like it and I hope that I can be a strong and wise leader for God to help these teens have as awesome of an experience as I did as a summer missionary. I still can’t believe I’m old enough to be considered senior staff, I still feel about fourteen. But maybe someday it will hit me that I’m growing up and God has prepared me for the position I am in now. 
He has been holding my every moment since birth. He has been faithful to provide for where I am in this very moment. And I truly believe he will continue to hold every moment to come.

Below is a copy of my Thank You Letter to those of you that have supported me!
Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you! You are receiving this letter because in some way you chose to support me this summer. Whether it was by giving financially, donating prizes for children, committing to pray for me, or searching for locations for 5-Day Clubs, you have contributed in making this summer possible. I firmly believe that God will reward you for partnering with me, and therefore Child Evangelism Fellowship. 

With your help, I have been able to schedule many different locations for the summer. I raised $1032 in financial support in addition to the $1500 that the chapter had already committed towards my salary for the summer. I have collected many different prizes for the children this summer that I know they will love. And I can think of at least fifteen different people that have told me that they are praying for me. You have supported me through prayer, financially, through donations, and by finding locations for clubs. Thank you so much!

I am looking forward to big things this summer. I have already started with the job and so far I love it! Right now we are doing our two weeks of training and then we are going to get started with the ministry this summer! Keep praying for us! I have been writing a weekly update to keep you all updated on the events of the summer. 

Thanks again for all of your help! I couldn’t have done it without you!
Lindsey Sutton

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