Saturday, June 7, 2014

Confessions of a Pittsburgh Missionary: Trusting the Provider

Confessions of a Pittsburgh Missionary: Trusting the Provider
Week 4: June 1-7, 2014

This week was a little bit more relaxed. It has been nice to have a little bit of a slow week, it gave me lots of time to keep working on my book that I have been writing. It was a slow week because I had finished contacting everyone on my lists last week, and so this week was mainly waiting for a lot of people to call me back. It’s amazing how many organizations won’t contact you back if you don’t pester them a little! I guess that’s kind of a foreign concept to me, because even if I wasn’t interested in partnering, I would still send an email back and say that! But oh well, the goal for next week is to contact a bunch of those organizations back and try to get them to set a date. I have 10 club locations for the summer so far, and my goal is to have 15. So I’m getting pretty close!

God is showing me how to trust him with even the smallest details. A cool example of that this week was that I needed color ink for my printer to be able to print prayer cards for the summer missionaries and myself. Since I haven’t started getting paid for this job quite yet, money is a little tight and I didn’t really have the money to spend $30+ on a color ink cartridge. I kept waiting but I really needed to print these off. And then an idea popped into my head to check on Amazon to buy ink. And sure enough, there was a colored ink cartridge for less than $10 including shipping. It was a small miracle. But it still showed me that God would provide and take care of all my needs.

In just one week Chloe, AJ, and I will be on our way to our first week of training. This is going to be an intense week of Bible boot camp. But the training is top notch and I am looking forward to what God is going to do in all of our lives. This will kick off our summer and we are going to do lots of ministry in our county after that! I have been praying and fasting, trying to prepare myself spiritually for the summer as well. God is showing me how to trust him. Even when it seems like things won’t come through they always do. My prayer has become, “God you led me to this, I know I’m in your will. You know all my needs, so I am giving this to you and trusting that you are going to provide for every single one of them. You know how many clubs locations I need, so provide them for me and send us where you want us to go.” And he hasn’t let me down yet! My other prayer is that God would rock our worlds this summer with an awesome time of ministry in Pittsburgh.

Keep praying for me. Pray that God will pack our summer out with clubs and would do things that blow our minds this summer. Pray that Chloe, AJ, and I would get to live out the book of Acts in Pittsburgh this summer as we seek to lead people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Thank you for all of your support and prayer! I couldn’t do it without you!

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