Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Yarboros in 2016

Family and Friends, 
            What a year it has been for us! God has certainly filled it with many blessings. There were many changes and adjustments to be made in 2016, some easier than others, but God has been good through it all. We truly feel that we have experienced the wonders of God’s love as we have started our own journey of love in marriage this year. We hope and pray that God has been good to you as well in 2016 and continues to be as we enter into this New Year!
As you know, we got married on March 19th. We were thrilled that many of our family members from both sides were able to make the trip to New York to celebrate our big day with us. Even my (Lindsey) cousin and his wife who live in Laos and had just made it to the States a few days before showed up and surprised us! The day was a whirlwind of love, friendship, and happiness but we were blessed by each other and everyone who made our wedding so beautiful. We left from our wedding and immediately drove down to Baltimore (stopping at Burger King on the way so we could actually eat something!) We stayed the night in the Hyatt Regency on the inner harbor and then boarded our cruise ship the next morning, spending ten days on a Western Caribbean cruise over the course of our spring break. We visited St. Thomas, St. Kitts, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. We had a great time! Two of the other three couples at our table got married on the same day as us! We had a blast connecting with them at meals. Our honeymoon was a wonderful getaway before heading back to mid-semester reality! We came back from honeymoon and dove right into getting moved, setting up the apartment with all of our stuff, and catching up on school work.

Lindsey graduated from Davis College on May 7th with her bachelors of religious education in teaching English as a second language and Christian counseling. Through the summer she continued her work on a full time basis with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Broome County (where she had been working part time through school) as the Summer Ministries Coordinator. She was in charge of scheduling 5-Day Club programs for kids in the area and helping teens to lead those clubs. She also started working for our church as the Ministry Assistant in July several hours a week. Once the summer ended she went back to working for CEF part time, increased her hours at the church, and also picked her morning babysitting job back up. She is definitely busy but enjoys all three jobs very much.

Patrick is in his third year at Davis College getting his bachelors of religious education in pastoral studies. Patrick worked as the evening and weekend chef for the Davis kitchen until May but then went back to working at Panera full time for the summer. Between work and homework he stays busy volunteering at our church. Most recently, he has been helping our church to begin a Christian recovery program for the church’s community. It’s still in the beginning stages but he is excited to be a part of it as it is something he is very passionate about. In November, our pastor gave him the opportunity to preach his first sermon in service. He did great for his first sermon and looks forward to being able to continue to sharpen his preaching skills and getting practice for the future.

We were able to spend three weeks travelling in May. We spent one week visiting Patrick’s family in Wilmington, NC, one week visiting Lindsey’s family in Pittsburgh and having a wedding reception there, and then travelling to Nebraska to visit Lindsey’s extended family and attend to her cousin’s wedding. We were also able to take several weekends and day trips exploring New York in places like Syracuse, the Finger Lakes, and Niagara Falls. We are blessed to have flexible jobs that allow us to get away from it all and spend some quality time with each other once in a while!

2016 has been a year of blessing! We pray that you have a wonderful Christmas to wrap the year up and a wonderful year of similar blessings in 2017. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

-The Yarboros-

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