Sunday, May 19, 2013

Daughter of the King

Yesterday was the last day that Doug Stanton was in town. We started in the morning with a session. He does a week long School of the Spirit and he did a little bit of that Saturday morning. He talked a lot about new self versus old self which was awesome because God had been speaking to me so much on that lately. 

Doug has really inspired me to step out more in my faith. God has just recently opened my eyes to the things of the spirit, but Doug has helped me to realize that there's so much more that even I could be walking in. I want to prophesy over people and see people healed because of God working through me. So that was really on my heart going into the meetings yesterday.

We had one last revival meeting at night, and man! It was good! The worship was powerful, more so than it had been the other nights. The spirit was moving through the place and resting heavily in the sanctuary. 

Doug went on with his message as usual. But afterwards, he started healing and praying for people. He just kept going and going, people kept coming to him asking him for prayer. He prayed for people with back problems or heart issues and other problems as well. I watched him heal a little boy of asthma. It was awesome. The presence of God through the Holy Spirit was so present in that place. When Doug would pray for people, the Spirit would come upon them and people were going down all over the place.

Then Doug prayed over a friend of mine that wanted to be baptized in the spirit. Doug prayed over him and then my friend went down too. My spirit could feel the anointing of God spilling onto him. It was awesome. When my friend got up, Doug took him around to other people and had him pray over others. When my friend went and prayed for other people, the spirit came on them too and they went down as well.

To top the night off, Doug came over to me again. "The anointing is all over this one," he said to me. He laid hands on me and then he began to prophesy over me. He talked about how I was a daughter of the king and my belonging in his Kingdom. He also talked about the power of God that I would take on and begin to move in. Doug prophesied over me that I would begin to do the things that God had called me to do that only I could do. I think he mentioned something about me beginning to step out and experiencing the power of God in new ways I hadn't before as well. 

When he had finished prophesying over me, I felt the power of the spirit come into and I fell backwards for the second time that week. As I laid on the ground, I reflected on the word Doug had just given me. I felt a sort of heavy peace upon me. I just rested in the Spirit and soaked up the presence of God for a while. 

I was so blessed by these past five meetings with Doug Stanton. God used it to bring forth a revival in me. It was a great opening to the summer of 2013.

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