Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Immeasurably More

God seems to have different themes, or lessons, per semester or year that he’s been teaching me here at college. Last fall semester the theme was balance. Last spring the theme was forgiveness. And this year, my second (and now completed) year of college, the theme was provision. That theme is better summed up in Ephesians 3:20, “God is able to immeasurably more than we could ever think or imagine.”
God started this school year off by sending me to Costa Rica in the summer. I didn’t know where I was going to get the money for the next fall, but I stepped out in faith and followed God because I knew that was his will. God rewarded my obedience in amazing ways! He literally blew me away! I got a scholarship that basically pays for half of school and I have other scholarships that covered a majority of the cost. That was a huge blessing, I knew God would provide, I didn’t realize he’d provide so much.
Then God put my faith to the test in the spring. I had run quite low on money and, due to some circumstances, school was going to be a bit of a stretch to pay for. I didn’t know where the money was going to come from. I had applied multiple places and hadn’t managed to get a job anywhere. I was beginning to try and figure out how to make $20 last a whole semester.
That’s when I got an e-mail from the local Child Evangelism Fellowship office here in town. They were in need of someone to work part time with them doing both office work and teaching kids in some after school clubs. I applied and got the job. It wasn’t a lot of money, but it was enough to get me through the semester and pay school off. I never heard from any of the places I applied to, who knows if I ever would have found an outside job. This job was given to me with first priority because I had worked with CEF before.
I was blown away by God’s goodness. That’s when I realized that God was preparing to provide for me now ever since I first started working with CEF, five years ago. I was so hesitant to work with CEF, I was scared out of my mind! But I did it because I knew it was God’s will for my life. And little did I know then, that God was going to use CEF to provide for me now. 
Aside from financial provision, God has done more than I ever imagined in spiritual ways too. I have grown so much this year! God has revealed himself to me in brand new ways.  He has showed me the way he moves and works in ways that I never thought even existed anymore!
God has done immeasurably more than I ever thought or imagined in my life this year.

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