Friday, May 16, 2014

Confessions of a Pittsburgh Missionary: Can I Do This?!

Confessions of a Pittsburgh Missionary
Week 1: May 12- May 16, 2014
Can I Do This?!

This week was the first week of summer. On Sunday we returned from Nebraska for my Grandpa’s funeral and then the summer was off to its start! The week was rather interrupted by a trip up to Davis to get the rest of my stuff and then trying to get unpacked and settled for the week. I spent some time making an office for myself in our spare bedroom as I’ll be working from home quite a bit, especially in the first month of preparing for the summer ministries.

But despite getting everything else done, I did manage to spend Monday sending a few e-mails and trying to figure out how to get started on this job. I put out a couple pleas for 5-Day Club hosts and contacted a couple pastors.  I think I have three clubs set up so far, and for a week as busy as this past one, I’d say that’s not too bad. I have had a couple moments that are a little overwhelming. This is a big job and a part of me is still trying to figure out why they gave it to someone as young as me (in my mind I often still feel like I’m about 13 years old). But the reality of the situation is that I’m not 13 years old, I’m 21 and God has called me to big things this summer. And I know I can do it with his help.

I chose this job because I wanted to be challenged and stretched with a new and big job that I haven’t done before. And I am definitely finding it to be both challenging and stretching. Whether it’s facing my dislike of calling strangers on the phone and facing awkwardness or searching throughout the Pittsburgh area for more contacts, I’m being stretched. And while it’s a little overwhelming and I’m feeling a little under qualified, I’m remembering that I can do it with Christ who strengthens me. I’m looking forward to seeing who I become and how I change through all of this challenging and stretching God is going to do in my life this summer.

Right now you can be praying for me as I tackle this new job all by myself. Pray for wisdom and for locations for 5-Day Clubs. Pray that I’ll get the hang of it and be able to do it with confidence through Christ. Pray that I won’t become discouraged or overwhelmed, but will instead power through and get the job done and do it well.

I’ve also raised $605 in support. Thanks so much to those of you that have given! You have been so generous! But my ideal goal is $1500. Remember, I’m working as a missionary this summer and the support I raise helps me pay the bills I have in the fall. I appreciate any help you can give. You can still give until May 31 by sending in your donation to CEF of Greater Pittsburgh, Box 122, Wexford, PA 15090, designating your gift as "5-Day Club Coordinator Support." A tax deductible receipt will be issued.

Thanks for your support guys! Keep praying and let me know if you want to host a 5-Day Club in the Pittsburgh area this summer!

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