Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Christ the Solid Rock: Part 1

I won’t try and paint a rosy picture for you all. Life is a little bit of a struggle lately. As you may remember from previous posts, I said goodbye to some very close friends last semester.  They have moved on to other things and aren’t taking classes here at Davis this year. I had been anticipating that a lot was going to change as a result of that and so far I have not been wrong.

One of my biggest fears is being alone. I didn’t have a very good experience in my last two years of high school due to loneliness. Since then, I have been terrified of facing that type of loneliness again. But I sense that God is currently leading me into a season of loneliness and also change. That change scares me! I was so happy and content with my life the way it was last year. And now suddenly everything is changing. My pastor is moving to a different church. My friends are gone. Everything seems very uncertain.

A huge lesson I am learning right now is that God is the solid, eternal, unchanging rock. And we can rely on him for support when everything else is changing. I’ve been reminding myself of that a lot lately. It’s not that I’m trying to that truth as a blanket statement Band-Aid to make the fear and hurt go away. I keep reminding myself of that so that I will actually learn it. 

It’s been hard. And it’s certainly not going to go away all at once. But I am learning to trust the God that never moves even when this world around me seems to be like shifting sand. I’m hoping that through these trials he will teach me something big. I titled this as part one of a series because I have faith that God is going to keep speaking to me and teaching me this valuable lesson. Part 1 is a bit gloomy, I know. But I know that God will be faithful to bring a part 2. I appreciate your prayers as I continue pursuing him to discover what it is. 

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