Monday, September 22, 2014

Christ the Solid Rock: Part 2

I have been reading through the Psalms lately. Some of them are really depressing and harsh or extreme. But it never ceases to amaze me that even if the psalmist spends 75% of the psalm whining about how good things are, at some point in the psalm, they always give glory back to God. I’ve realized as I have read through the psalms, that it’s because even when the circumstances of life sucks, it has no reflection on the goodness of God. I realize my post last week was a bit down in the dumps. But here’s part 2… here’s the part where I give glory back to God.

Last week, I was definitely struggling with feeling alone and overwhelmed by all of the change taking place in my life. Even so far in this first month of school, there have nights full of tears and journal entries full of fears. But I am realizing now that I never should have doubted God’s faithfulness in any of this. I had briefly considered transferring schools for my third year of college a while ago. I knew I was on a five year plan and was a little nervous to stay at Davis where options for friends seemed to be running out. But God eventually convicted my heart and showed me that my motives for wanting to transfer were only based in fear. He spoke to my heart to stay here, where he had led me, and to trust that if I stayed where God wanted me to be and trusted in him, he would provide exactly what I needed.

It’s amazing how quickly we forget those promises from God when the storm comes. The storm certainly raged this semester, and it is not necessarily done raging. But this week, God’s faithfulness started to shine through the storm. Unexpected friends came into my life that I am so grateful for already. I was reminded that I have a great mentor who is there for me when I met with her this weekend. And I ran into a couple I used to go to church with and they invited me back to the young adults group at that church. I wasn’t sure about going at first but I recognized it as a potential blessing from God, an opportunity to make some friends. I did end up going and I even brought one of those new friends from Davis along with me. We had a great time and I am feeling blessed by the unexpected but wonderful ways that God works.

I’m not saying that within a week, everything in my life has gone from hard to just fine and dandy. But God has begun to give me joy in the midst of the hard time. And he is coming through for me just like he always promised he would do. I am feeling so blessed because of that tonight. I know the storm isn’t over, but I’m speaking against fear and clinging the promises that God has given me until it ends.

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