Tuesday, September 2, 2014


I had been thinking a lot about the negative connotation that the word "scar" often holds. But for the Christian, those scars are actually valuable parts of our testimony. We should embrace them instead of hide them. We shouldn't feel guilty for who we used to be but instead should see that our testimonies are a tribute to God's redeeming powers. So I put all this into a poem, check it out....

My past littered with dirt and filth,
Shouts of distress and cries for help.
My heart was dark, lost, and scared.
But in trying to escape I continuously fell.

But then he found, loved, and redeemed me,
Picked me up and cleansed my soul.
A new creation finally free,
He filled me ‘til my spirit was full.

But though I have been born again,
My spirit living pure and freely,
Some days, every now and then,
Past memories still come back to me.

I remember who it is I used to be,
The memories heavy and painful.
God, take these terrible scars away from me!
They make me feel so guilty and shameful.

But in a still, small voice you gently remind,
These memories and scars bring you glory.
So instead of wishing to simply rewind,
I must view the scars as an amazing grace story.

Don’t try to wash the scars away,
Instead be willing to show them to others.
For the very scars you tend to hate,
Could greatly impact your sisters and brothers.

Each scar is a beautiful thing, you see,
No longer a wound but proof of his healing.
All together, they make a testimony,
A tribute to God’s power of redeeming.

Why, oh why, do you still hide your scars?
You don’t have to be ashamed anymore.

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