Saturday, February 8, 2014

All Grown Up

I turned twenty-one years old today. When did that happen?! I’m not a kid anymore, I am an adult. And sometimes that just seems so weird to me. I have a lot of adult jobs and responsibilities now, like being an RA or coordinating things for CEF. I’m on several leadership teams and do a lot of big girl stuff. I often step back and look at where I am and what I am doing. It’s sort of a surreal feeling, especially when I actually see a picture of me doing these things. My first thought is, “Who is that girl and when did she grow up? Isn’t she still like five years old? Who gave her responsibility?” But the fact of the matter is that I’m not a kid anymore. I am a big girl, I’ve grown up. And while I’m still in this strange transition phase of moving from childhood into adulthood, it becomes more and more obvious that I am moving on. I have to be a big girl now.

I am so grateful for the works God has completed in my life in the past 21 years. He has been faithful to work with me through all of my flaws and still does. In all of the ups and downs that life has brought me, God has been the constant. I have grown closer to him and he has renewed me. I am not the same girl that I was a few years ago, and I praise God for that. Though it’s scary sometimes and feels a bit strange, I am so excited to be entering into this adult life. I know that God will be as faithful to me in the years to come as he has been for the past 21 years. I don’t know what’s to come, but I know he’ll be with me every step of the way. And I can’t wait to get started with the rest of my life!

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