Friday, February 21, 2014

Where I Belong

Where I Belong

Show me your love, oh Lord.

This world has so many uncertainties.

Though truth is in your word,

I’m struggling to find stability.

Wrap me in your love, Father,

My mind knows that you are always there,

But my heart is so bothered,

Fear and insecurity everywhere.

I’m trying to be strong,

Attempting to learn my identity.

Wearily pushing on,

Finding so much I don’t like about me.

But this I realize,

You have designed me with a great purpose.

I won’t believe the lies,

Because I know for me you are jealous.

And I am who you made me,

I’m fearfully and wonderfully made.

Here I am on bended knee,

Finding my stability with your aid.

So in every circumstance,

It’s in you that I find love and my place.

So when I lack confidence,

I will look back into your loving face.

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