Saturday, February 8, 2014

The CEF Impact

I wanted to be a missionary around the age of eight years old. By eighth grade, I felt God was calling me into a career in ministry. And at age fifteen, I felt God leading me to be a CEF summer missionary. My pastor saw the gift of evangelism in me at an early age and strongly encouraged me to do it. I did not want to do it, I was terrified! I didn’t think I could teach others about God. But I knew it was something God wanted me to do, and since I knew he always won anyways, I decided to do it.

And I am so glad I did! CEF taught me how to follow God even when I didn’t see results. I learned how to be humble in ministry and do things for God’s kingdom not my personal benefit. But most of all, God used CEF to ignite a passion for ministry in my heart. I had grown up knowing that it was important to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), but until that point I had never actually done it. And when I did submit my life to service and telling others, I found that I was growing closer to God than ever before. The  training I received through CYIA training school taught me many of the skills I needed to be successful in ministry! My attitude went from, “No God! Not me!” to “Here I am! Lord, send me!” (Isaiah 6:8) instead.

My last summer working with CEF as a summer missionary was 2010. Life went on and I eventually went to college at Davis College, pursuing a bible degree with a dual concentration in teaching English as a second language and Christian counseling. I don’t have all the details other than I know I am called to a career in ministry. So I am trying to make myself as flexible as possible so I can go wherever to work with whomever whenever God tells me to. I have found several different ministries to stay involved while I train for ministry. I lead Bible studies. I am on a leadership team for a worship team. I am also a resident assistant in the dorms. Recently I have begun volunteering at an inner city youth center with at risk children every Saturday and have loved my time there!

Last year, a bit of an unexpected ministry came my way. CEF of Broome County, New York, where the school is located, had recently hired a new director. I had chatted with her a bit and told her about my past experiences. I didn’t expect anything would come of it. But in January of 2013, I got an e-mail saying that they were seeking to hire a student to work in the office and also help with Good News Clubs. I volunteered and got the job! I became the office associate and children’s ministry specialist of CEF of Broome County. I have been working with them since then and still work there currently.  I love my job and the experience I have had there! Before working with CEF again, I thought that I might not be called to children’s work. But since working with CEF again, God has renewed my passion for children’s ministry. I am so blessed to have a job that allows me to evangelize children. I am more passionate about reaching children for Christ than I have ever been before. The work has blessed me so much and my love for the children that need Jesus has grown.

Because of that, I am so thrilled to work as the Summer Coordinator for CEF Pittsburgh.  I realize also that this is a big job! Please pray for me as I seek to find new locations for CEF to bring the gospel. My heart is to do more in the inner city in addition to the suburbs of Pittsburgh. Pray that God would give me wisdom as I lead our summer missionaries in their ministries. And pray that both the summer missionaries and I would have an awesome and life changing summer serving God. Pray that God would go before us and prepare the hearts of the children and even adults that we will be reaching this summer. Pray that God works in and through CEF Pittsburgh in the summer of 2014.

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