Friday, February 28, 2014

What If?

What if?
What if we spent less time?
Less time arguing and sweating the small stuff,
And fighting miniscule religious battles,
Battles that are meaningless and can only divide.

What if?
What if we weren’t so concerned?
Concerned with appearing flawless,
And took off these deceiving masks,
Masks that only muffle our hurting and desperate cry.

What if?
What if we stopped?
Stopped using the Bible as a platform to judge,
And used it instead as if it was a mirror,
A mirror whose reflection is the plank in our eye.

What if?
What if we went out?
Went out to a world that’s screaming for help.
And delivered with priority a message,
A message that gives grace and new life.

What if?
What if we learned?
Learned to love like Jesus did,
And instead of spreading hate and judgment, gave love?
Love that’s incomparable, long and wide and high.

What if?
What if churches started being the church?
What kind of impact could we make,
If we put our selfish obsession to a halt,
And reached outwardly in love instead?

What if?

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