Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa's House

Of all my good childhood memories,
Very many are of traveling so far.
During both times of summer and freeze,
So many hours were spent in the car.

But it was all with a very good cause,
Because soon Nebraska we’d see.
Over to Grandpa and Grandma’s,
That is the place that we wanted to be.

Maybe we’d swim in the cow tank,
Or shoot some cans with a gun.
Perhaps we’d visit the pond bank.
No matter what, we always had fun.

Sometimes we’d get to ride a horse,
Or burn garbage in a square made of blocks.
In the woods, we would even build forts,
And we’d be surprised by gum in the mailbox.

We ate pancakes shaped as an animal friend,
And we aimed to catch the biggest toad.
It was so much fun; we didn’t want the time to end.
So, we’d try to chase our cars down the road.

But what truly made it all so great,
Was neither the sledding nor the farm.
It’s not the train tracks or the dinner plate,
That’s still not what gave it its homey charm.

The thing that is most memorable,
Is the grandparents that showed their love.
When things seem so unstable,
It is for them we thank our God above.

So thank you, Grandma and Grandpa.
Thank you for being there for us all,
Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa,
                                              Thank you for loving us, big and small.

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