Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: Bags of Eggs

Day 20: July 31, 2012
Today was another day of rest. I slept in and then spent most of my day working on Open Connections (my social media ministry project). Christine came home around 2:30 and said hello and then said she was going to take a nap. She hasn’t had these past two days to just rest because she teaches at the school. So it was good that she got to rest for a couple extra hours. In the meantime I helped her out by sweeping the house so that it would be ready to mop.

When Christine was finished with her nap we figured out what kind of food we needed for the week and went into Santa Barbara (a nearby town) to buy it. We spent a while in the store. I was surprised at how busy it was. It was like Walmart in a college town on a Friday night (it’s busy then, in case you didn’t know). It was cool to see how many different fruits and vegetables they offer. There are things that you wouldn’t be able to get in the states. There are some fruits and vegetables for sale that I didn’t even know existed. I laughed when I saw bags of eggs sitting on the shelves. “You’d never see a store selling eggs like that!” I said to Christine.

So we got what we needed for meals this week and then took another bus home. Christine made spaghetti with a really good white sauce with fresh tomatoes blended in and cilantro. And then after that for desert she made chocolate and peanut butter no-bake cookies. They were yummy!

Today was my last day of resting. Tomorrow I’ll be back to work helping out with the team that is supposed to arrive on the seventh. I’m leaving in two weeks from today! It’s gone by so quickly, I can’t believe it! Next summer I will have to do a mission trip or some ministry for the whole summer instead of just a month. But I am glad that I will be returning to Davis very shortly after my arrival and not having to go back to work. Returning to Davis College where pursuing God is the theme will be much easier than returning to Kennywood Park where the theme is, “Funnel cake or fried Oreos?” 

1 comment:

  1. So good to see your trip is going well Lindsey! I can see your love for the Lord in your writing.
    Mrs. Merryman
