Friday, July 27, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: Evangelism

Day 16: July 27, 2012
The started off with the Spiritual Scavenger Hunt. We broke up into teams and we had a list of different things to do. Get a picture of a kid making a funny face, take an awkward family picture, etc. But then we also had some serious things to do, like ask God to reveal someone to you and go talk to them or pray for healing over somebody. The team I was on was doing pretty well. We had found a guy with a cane and prayed for healing for him and we were getting a lot of the goofy things too. We stopped part way through and prayed that God would reveal someone to us that needed to hear from him. When we were done praying, I looked up and noticed two girls sitting on a bench together. But I wasn’t sure if it was the spirits leading or just me noticing two girls on a bench. We moved on and did a couple other things and at one point we even had a lady we had asked for help from come up to us and ask us about the church. We gave her some information and prayed over her, but it seemed as though she was already a Christian and she was just looking for a church. We prayed because her husband had just been in an accident and the other driver had run off so now they have to pay for it themselves. But once we had prayed we departed.

Our group was getting a little frozen treat from a street vendor and I looked back and those girls were still there. Once I had eaten a little bit more I said, “I think we need to go talk to those girls.” The youth pastor of the group, who was on my team, told me to go for it. So I took two translators with me and approached them. I told them I was with a church and asked if I could talk with them for a little bit. They both agreed. Then I knew that God wanted me to talk to them, because as soon as the conversation started the once quiet park was interrupted by three drummers doing a little show. It became hard to hear each other. But I just smiled to myself, because to me it was just confirmation that God wanted me to speak to them because otherwise Satan wouldn’t have put the distraction there.

Their names were Catalina and Cristina. I asked if they went to a church. Cristina goes to an evangelical church and Catalina is Catholic. So I asked them, “If you were to die today, not that I want that to happen, do you know where you’d go? Do you know that you’d go to heaven?” Cristina nodded her head and said that she knew she’d go to heaven. Catalina eventually said yes but she had been very hesitant. I asked her how she knew for sure and she gave the standard answer saying that she did good things. I went on to explain to them that good works aren’t enough. I explained that we have all sinned and that heaven is a perfect place and no sin can be there. Because if you have a perfectly clean room without one speck of dirt, you wouldn’t let someone that was all muddy in. It just doesn’t make sense! But I told them how God loved them and didn’t want to be separated from them for forever so that’s why Jesus died on the cross. Jesus died so our sins could be forgiven and we could go to Heaven anyway. But in order to have that, we have to take the gift from him. That’s about as far as I got before Catalina received a phone call and had to go. Cristina said she had already accepted that gift. I asked her if she thought Catalina had and Cristina didn’t think she had. So before I left, I prayed with Cristina to have the courage and wisdom to be able to witness to her friend. I told her that I believed God had put her in Catalina’s life to be able to tell her about him. I am not disappointed about Catalina having to leave so soon. Because I still was able to tell her about salvation and now she knows. God used me to plant a seed or maybe even water one that had already been planted. I have faith that God will bring someone else along to keep watering and planting seeds in Catalina’s life, maybe that someone is Cristina. But just because I didn’t get to lead Catalina to Christ does not mean I wasn’t used by God.

The second half of the day was similar to yesterday. We went to a park and the dance team from California did some more dance evangelism and we witnessed to people in the park. It was very cool to watch. There was one boy that was sitting near me while they were dancing. He was there for the whole presentation and he didn’t seem angry or bored, he just wasn’t wearing a smile. After the official show was over I noticed some of our team talking to him for a while. I don’t know if they prayed a prayer for salvation with him. But afterwards, when the dance team was just playing around with each other and doing some freestyle dancing games, I looked over at the same boy and noticed he was smiling at them now. I couldn’t help but smile too because it seemed like he had changed, even just a little bit, from before.

The last event of the night was a farewell dinner for the Concord team that has been here this week. We had a good time of fellowship and enjoyed some good food. At the end we gathered together and each member shared about their experience in Costa Rica. Many of them were saying that Costa Rica is a great place and people are so open here as opposed to how people are in the US, and how the soil is fertile here, and how they could never do some of the bold evangelism that they did here in the states because people would just walk away. While I agree that it’s hard to evangelize in your own country and especially town, I felt defensive for the fertile soil that I know exists in the US. There are so many people there that really need Jesus but just don’t know it. And I wanted to tell them, although I didn’t get the chance, that Costa Rica is not this magic place that when you come here, all of a sudden you can evangelize! I wanted to encourage them that it was not Costa Rica or its people that gave them the ability to be so bold in their evangelism this week, it was the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit goes with us no matter what country we are in. It doesn’t end in Costa Rica, it continues wherever you go. And that’s something I need to be remembering too. I need to be as bold and intentional about evangelizing in the states as I am here.

So pray for me to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit leading me and no to doubt myself when I feel the Spirit leading me. And pray that I will be as bold at home as I am here in Costa Rica when it comes to talking about God.

This was our awkward family photo for the scavenger hunt.

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