Monday, July 30, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: Restful Day

Day 19: July 30, 2012
Today was mostly a day for resting. I got to sleep in and get rested up. I spent a lot of the day working on the social media ministry project that I’ve started. I am working on getting more people to come to the Facebook page and I’m trying to draw in a large crowd.

But I was pleased when Megan and Molly stopped by the house around 1:30 and told me that we were going to the orphanage today and I could come if I wanted to. We were meeting at a bus stop around 2:15 so I finished up what I was doing and made it to the bus stop just in time. We rode the bus to a grocery store and then took taxis to the orphanage. It felt so weird because there were only six of us going and we were just going by ourselves, there was no team with us.

There are ten or fifteen children in the Quinta del Angels orphanage. A lot of the children there have parents in Nicaragua that drop them off here and abandon them. We played a game with them first and then Christine taught a lesson and then we did a craft and then helped them to memorize John 3:16 by chanting it and doing it as they jumped rope. While the other kids were doing the craft, I enjoyed playing with a one year old little girl. She was so cute and was full of smiles. Many of the children were full of smiles and laughter. It was baffling to me how children could have such sad circumstances in their life and still be so happy. We were sad to go so soon but I am hopeful that I will be able to go back again some time soon.

Christine and I returned home after the orphanage and began making dinner. Christine went upstairs to do some things online and her computer wasn’t working very well at all. She was frustrated. “Well… my dad’s a computer technician, we could get him on skype and he could talk you through figuring out what’s wrong.” So we got dad on skype and he was able to help Christine. It was cool that technology allows someone from the states to help and bless someone in Costa Rica. He is also looking into getting her a router so she’ll be able to have wifi in the house. Finally we were able to eat dinner and eventually we were even able to get some harmful programs off of her computer and it seems to working just fine again! Hallelujah!  

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