Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: Connecting

Day 13: July 24, 2012
My day was supposed to start off with another spiritual scavenger hunt in Heredia. I got to the church at 9am because we were supposed to leave then. But the team wasn’t at the church yet. We waited, and waited, and waited. The school dog Negra was happy to have the company. She kept coming up to me and wanting me to pet her and she kept putting her paws up on my  stomach. She was making me laugh and made me miss my own pets.

 and finally around 10:30 they showed up but it had already been decided that they wouldn’t do the scavenger hunt and instead they were going to do a service project at the school. Whoops! It happens though, everyone is so busy with the team that sometimes we forget to tell everyone what’s going on. I hung out at the church until lunch time and after that I walked home.

It was, of course, raining for the walk home. Thankfully I had my umbrella to use. I was really confused when I saw a sea of umbrellas up ahead coming down the road. There must have been like fifty to one hundred people just walking down the road with umbrellas. When I got closer and saw them following a mini-van that had flowers on top of it, I realized that it was a funeral procession. I tried to stay off to the other side of the road and stay out of their way and not stare. I don’t know what the common courtesy is when you see a funeral procession here. So I open I wasn’t being offensive by just walking past. Hopefully if anyone was offended they could just tell I was a gringa (white girl) and understood I just didn’t know.

I had several hours at home before I had to go back to eat dinner. I spent it working on a new social media ministry I am going to launch soon. I have had many good conversations online with people over the course of the past year or so. I’ve even been able to lead someone to Christ through Facebook. Social media and internet has made the world very small. God has really laid it on my heart over the past couple of weeks to start a more official form of social media ministry. So I spent my free time yesterday planning. I have decided to call it “Open Connection Media Ministries.” My theme is to encourage people to connect openly with each other and also with God. I’m really excited about it and I am excited to see where God takes it! My dream is to be able to instant message and even skype with people in order to evangelize with them. You can help support me by liking the Facebook page when it opens or following it on other social media sites. And pray that God would use it for great good.

After dinner, our church and another church that’s in San Jose had a worship night together. It was a good time. My prayer was that God would set my heart on fire for him. I couldn’t help feeling during my worship that there was something I was missing and I wanted more. But God revealed to me that I was seeking out an emotional high and not the truly deep joy and peace that he offers. My prayer is that I will be more passionate for God and that I will have pure joy in my worship because I am so overwhelmed with him. The harsh truth is that I really like God right now, but I’m still working on loving him wholeheartedly. My prayer is that God would work through me and fill me and overwhelm me with him. I prayed again that God would rid me of myself and replace me with Jesus so that I could see the world through his eyes and have his heart for people. I also prayed that God would do such big things through me that I would be unable to be proud about it because I knew it had nothing to do with myself. I can tell God is going to show me something really big and life changing in the next few weeks. Pray for me as he reveals it to me.

There was a BEAUTIFUL sunset lastnight.

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