Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: Jasmina

Day 6: July 17, 2012
The started off with me helping with breakfast. We had pancakes this morning and they were very good. Right after breakfast I went with the team on a “Spiritual Scavenger Hunt.” We broke up into groups of five or six and took translators with us. We had a list of things to accomplish like take a picture with six kids, find ten pieces of chewed gum, trade something fairly useless for something of value, find a clump of pigeon poop, or get a copy of yesterday’s newspaper. But it also had some serious things like pray with someone for healing or go and talk to someone you feel God is leading you to.

We found an older lady with a cane and asked her if we could pray for her. She said she had a lot of pain in her right leg and that there had been a time where she couldn’t walk at all. So we prayed for continued healing. I smiled during the prayer when I looked down and saw that her husband that was with her was missing part of his pointer finger. It reminded me of my own grandpa all the way back in Nebraska. Once again I was reminded that we aren’t so different after all. When we were finished praying the lady smiled and said that her heart was happy now. As we turned to leave I noticed a lady in a blue shirt and blue ball cap uniform watching us. She was handing out flyers in the park. We looked around to see how we might complete the next task and another girl in my group was saying she felt like we needed to pray with someone in the area we were in. I looked over at the lady who had gone back to handing out flyers and really felt like we should talk to her but the group had started talking to a guy with a bicycle. But he said he already had Jesus in his heart and he didn’t have anything in particular we could pray for him about. “Well I guess he wasn’t the one,” one of the girls said as we walked away from him. “Let’s go talk to that lady over there,” I said, “She was watching us really intently when we were praying for healing.” So we approached her and started talking with her.

While translation was a little rough at first, she was basically asking for prayer for her son who is prison in Nicaragua because someone had framed him. We asked her about her relationship with God and she said she had been in the church but had walked away from it because she had strayed from God. The other girl in our group shared parts of her testimony with her and encouraged her that God loved her no matter what. “Have you been hurt by the church?” I asked her. “Yes, very much,” she responded. We continued to encourage her that just because people in the church judged her doesn’t mean God is judging her in the same way. We asked her if she wanted to recommit her life to Christ and she was hesitant at first because she thought she had to go to church to do it. But we told her she could do it right there. We prayed for her as she recommitted her life to Christ. When we were done she reminded her about praying for her son, but that time she led us in the prayer! Afterwards she asked for information about our church and we gave her directions and she gave us a phone number. This woman, Jasmina, broke my heart. But I was so glad we were able to go and talk to her. I hope to see her in church on Sunday.

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