Friday, August 10, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: 5 Days Left

Day 29: August 9, 2012
I have been in Costa Rica for four weeks as of today. And I am leaving in five short days. It has all gone by so fast and I can’t believe it will be ending soon. I started the day off by having a banana and a fresh pastry from the bakery for breakfast. I will definitely miss being able to have that! I headed to the school and helped in class for a bit but then I was needed elsewhere.

I was able to explain to Katie what her word for me last night had meant. She was relieved, by my reaction she had thought she’d said something wrong. We talked for a while and later on in the day we went out for Cosechas together to chat for a few hours. She had some helpful studies that she had done on the Holy Spirit and baptism of the Holy Spirit. It helped me to understand that there are different types of baptism and what baptism really means. I am looking forward to learning more about it.

We had Thursday night church afterwards and it was really good. The message was on identity in Christ and how we should try to strive to be like the son. We can all be like God through the power of the Holy Spirit in us. There was more prophecy afterwards. And before leaving we prayed for Pastor because he has been undergoing more spiritual attack on his body.

Tomorrow is the team’s free day and they are going zip lining. I believe I will get to go with them so that will be fun. Pray that I will get the most out of these next five days and that God would continue to give me revelation.

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