Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: The Market

Day 24: August 4, 2012
I went to the market, or feria, for the first time today. Wow! There were so many tents and so many people and so many different kinds of fruits! It was impressive. But I almost didn’t make it home! Those fruits and vegetables that we bought we so heavy I thought I was going to collapse before we made it to the bus stop. I was carrying two watermelons, a pineapple, and a few other fruits all in one bag! It was heavy!

After the market we went to Cinco Esquinas. It was a rough morning for the lesson. The kids were very rambunctious and didn’t feel like sitting still and all of the leaders were tired and a little impatient. But we got through it and I’m trusting that God used something from our time with them for the good. Some of the kids that walk a little way to join us for our meeting were a little fussy this morning. At one point on of the little girls, Kimberly, wanted to ride her bike home instead of staying. So I had to guard her bike to keep her from getting it. She cried and I was worried she would hate me! But her big sister came over and got her to calm down. And she ended up having a good time after all. And when we were walking them home and I was walking by her, we were playing with hula-hoops and smiling. So I’m pretty confident she doesn’t hate me, which is good!

Christine and I relaxed for most of the remaining part of the day. We stayed home and I had some of my delicious mango that I got at the market. I felt very professional cutting it because I cut it the way my cousin Eric, a professional chef, showed my dad how to cut it. I felt fancy. And the mango was deeeeelissssshhhhhusssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! I got to skype with Mom since it’s her birthday and start working on a presentation to show at church when I return. Tomorrow will be a fun day at the church! Until then…

 Kimberly being not so mad at me after all.
Fancy ways to cut mango!

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