Friday, August 3, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: School and Heredia

Day 23: August 3, 2012
Today was the first day that I got to help out in the school. I helped out with the first and second grade class. There were only four students there but I think two kids were absent. I helped them with some English lessons and with some math. The amount of English these kids can understand at their age is pretty amazing. I could speak to them in English and they understood me. It makes me wonder how many languages kids in the states could know if schools actually taught other languages to them at the right age!

Later on when the kids were playing, I was just sitting by and watching them. The two girls in the class, Victoria and Kate were playing with the large lego like building blocks. They had made some creatures out of them and were playing nicely together. As I was watching them they began to whisper to each other. It almost looked like they were scheming with each other. They got up and went over to their teacher, Ms. Carol, and asked her a question quietly. “Say ‘I want you to have this one’,” Ms. Carol answered. The girls came back over to where I was and continued whispering to each other. I was just smiling because I had a feeling I knew what they were up to. They picked up one of their creatures and Victoria pushed a reluctant Kate towards me. “I want you to have this one,” Kate said very quietly and shyly. I smiled and took it from her. “Thank you!” I said. Victoria whispered in Kate’s ear and instructed her to say, “You’re welcome.” It was really precious. I hope I’ll get to work with them again next week.

After school, Christine and I took a bus into Heredia to do some shopping. We did a lot of walking and I was able to buy a few more souvenirs. We ran a lot of errands for the school and we had many bags in our hands by the time we were done. We went to the carnerceria (butcher shop) and a panaderia (bakery). We got amazing donuts at the bakery. It was fun to go and see a little bit more of the town than I had been able to before. Tomorrow we are getting up early to go to the market. I’m excited for that. I think it’ll be a great cultural experience. 

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