Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: The Journey Continues

Day 33: August 13, 2012
Wow… today was my last full day in Costa Rica. I can’t believe it is already over. Time flew by so quickly! I started the day off as I have many other days in Costa Rica. I woke up and got ready and walked to the school. I helped out with a few things before leaving for Heredia with the team. We went on the spiritual scavenger hunt and once again it was awesome. One of the guys on the team is so nice and really generates joy. Not only was he entertaining to watch, he also has a heart for God and for God’s people. It’s been really cool to work alongside him. One of the ladies we prayed over was an older lady who was just bursting with joy. And it was fitting that her name was Soledad, which means Sunshine. She was so dear and kind! I was happy to have met her.

After the scavenger hunt I went back to the school and worked on putting the power point presentation together for the farewell dinner. I did that for a while before going home to pack up my things. I am glad that I get to go home and then go straight back to school, otherwise I think it would be much harder than it already is to leave. Once I was all packed up, the church van picked Christine and I up and we went to the lodge for the farewell dinner.

The food, as usual, was great and the people were even greater. We spent some time fellowshipping with one another and enjoying the food. Afterwards, we gathered together in the living room to discuss this teams week in Costa Rica. I was also honored along with the team. I shared, “Costa Rica has been a journey. But the journey didn’t start when I landed in Costa Rica. It started in January when I heard Derek talking about Costa Rica and stepping out in faith. I had felt that God might be calling me to do some sort of ministry this summer. But that was really scary because I’m in college and have to pay for college. But I asked God to make it obvious to me that he wanted me to go. And he did in several different ways, the day after I prayed that someone randomly gave me a gift of money. There was a message in chapel on determining the will of God when I had been thinking about how I was over interpreting his will. And then there was a little extra note in my Old Testament class’s notes saying to go on a mission trip. So I understood that God wanted me to go but I had to step out in faith. But he blessed me so much more than I could imagine. I got an $8000 scholarship and raised more than enough support so I can use that for school too. He provided in awesome ways and has completely blown me away. And like I said yesterday I have learned a lot and grown a lot. But the journey doesn’t end here, for any of us. God and the Holy Spirit are the same here as they are in the states. Costa Rica is not magical ministry and evangelism land. Anything that empowered you here can also empower you in the states. So the journey continues.”

So the journey continues… 

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