Monday, August 6, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: Ella No Habla Ingles!

Day 26: August 6, 2012
“Ella solo habla ingles!” The kids whispered to each other while glancing at me. I was helping out with the first and second graders again today, but this time we had the kindergarteners with us too. Victoria, one of the girls in first grade who knew me a little better, took it upon herself to inform the other children that, “She only speaks English!” Pretty soon they were all saying it to each other whenever someone who hadn’t heard would speak in Spanish to me. I wonder how they would’ve responded if I had said, “Yo entiendo un poco espanol, y yo entiendo que hablan.” (I understand a little Spanish and I understand what you all are saying.) They probably would have just giggled.

During play time, one kindergartener, Debora, played with play dough with me and chattered on and on in Spanish. I didn’t understand most of what she said, but we had fun making different shapes and flattening it out and then rolling it up. Debora would flatten them out and then say that it was a tortilla. We made towers and snakes and tortillas the whole hour and then it was time to go home. It was fun day.

I think I’ll get to help with their class a few more times but this week is going to get busy as of tomorrow when the next team arrives. I leave Costa Rica one week from tomorrow. I can’t believe how fast my time has gone! I will miss the country. But I know that God is the same in the United States as he is here in Costa Rica. Every experience I am having here I can also have there.

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