Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: WHO Team Arrives

Day 27: August 7, 2012
I accidentally slept in this morning. I was going to go help with the school in the morning but I woke up at the time I was supposed to be there. I decided it wouldn’t be worth it by the time I got there. So I just decided to stay home for a while before going to help out with serving lunch. Well then I really got flustered a few hours later when I realized I wasn’t leaving early enough and I should’ve been leaving. So I got up really fast and started getting ready. Well within minutes the church van pulls up outside and a very worried Christine and Megan come into the house wondering if I’m okay. Since I had told both of them about some of my medical history they were a little worried that something might have happened to me when I didn’t show up. So that was embarrassing! And I felt bad that they had come looking for me and were so worried!

I spent the next part of the day getting ready for the team and doing some final things to prepare. The team arrived a little later than planned and of course it was pouring down rain for them when they arrived. We moved the food from the rancho over to the church and tried to keep everything as dry as possible. Then they went to the hotel for a while and I had a little downtime before getting ready to help with dinner. And of course, just as they arrived for dinner it started to downpour again. I like the people I’ve met on this team so far and I’m sure it’ll be a great time with them.

I leave with this team in one week. I can’t believe my time here is almost over! It has gone so fast! But I have learned a lot and am looking forward to see what God has planned next for me.

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