Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: Blessed

Day 21: August 1, 2012
Today was the first day that I went into the school without a team being there. I spent most of the day sending out e-mails, making contacts, and doing some prep work for the next team. It wasn’t too bad and I actually kind of enjoyed it. I don’t think I could do it every day though. Just as we were getting ready to leave, what does it start doing? Raining? Yes, that’s right, raining as usual. And what do I have to do? Walk home? Yes, that’s right, walk home in the rain as usual. I tried to wait until the rain let up a little bit. But what does it start doing as soon as I start walking? Raining harder? Yes, that’s right, raining hard as soon as I start walking. I couldn’t help but kind of smile as I trudged through the rain under my umbrella. This is so typical of Costa Rica. Thank God I had my umbrella, otherwise I really would have been soaked. With my umbrella only my jeans and shoes were soaked.

I had lot of down time at home so I just spent some time doing my study on the Holy Spirit. I also took some time to work on making a budget for myself for the next year or so. I was dreading doing so in the beginning, I didn’t wanna see how much money I needed and didn’t have. But I became more encouraged as I went along. And with mom working out some numbers at home I was amazed at how low my school bill for the semester will be because of all the scholarships I have received. I was so encouraged. I was so scared to lose a month and half of work this summer. But in the end, I ended up being in a better financial position than I had been with a full summer of working the year before. God truly blesses those who follow his calling.

I found this verse and I really like it. Malachi 3:10, “"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” I looooooove this verse! It’s like God is saying, “Try me, just trust me, you won’t believe how much I’ll bless you.” Step out in faith, God will meet you and walk ahead of you to prepare the way.

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