Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: Left Handed Warriors

Day 22: August 2, 2012
I’ve been here three weeks as of today. I can’t believe how fast my time has gone. But it was time well spent and I have learned a lot. I’m anxious to see how God will use what I have learned here in Costa Rica back in the states.

I had little more time before I had to go into the school this morning so I slept in a little longer. Once I got to the school we had a meeting about the next team that will be coming on Tuesday. It is a blessing because they are leaving on the same day on the same flight to Houston as me. So I will have not had to travel in the Costa Rican airport alone at all.

Once I came home I took a nice nap before going back to the church for the Thursday night service. One of the long term missionaries, Micah, gave the message. You could tell he was a little more sentimental and emotional than usual which was completely understandable because his wife just had their first born son, Tyce Benaiah, this morning around 6am. But Micah showed up to preach anyway because he felt like God had really laid something on his heart that we needed to hear.

He spoke on the passage in Judges where it talks about the seven hundred left handed warriors. They weren’t left handed because they were born that way, they were left handed because something else had happened to their right hand in battle. But they were excellent warriors and could use a sling shot and hit a hair from many meters away. He used this analogy to encourage us that when Satan takes our right hand in battle that we should use our left hand and train our left hand up in order to continue defeating him. He also encouraged us that even though the church was under spiritual attack we should stand behind our pastors because if Satan takes them out the flock of the church will scatter. It was a very good and message.

As he was giving the message, I smiled as I thought to myself, “Satan, I’ve been through a brain infection and God has healed me. I could have died but God wasn’t finished with me yet. You have made me feel like a prisoner in my own sin and God has set me free… 

bring        it       on. 

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