Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: More

Day 31: August 11, 2012
I started the day off by going to Cinco Esquinas with Christine one last time. We had a lot of kids today which is good! I said goodbye to one family I had grown more close to. It is all kind of sad but I don’t think it has really hit me that I am leaving in a few days yet. Christine has an awesome ministry with the kids and her passion for it glows in her whenever she talks about it.

After Cinco Esquinas, Christine and I helped out a neighbor and some of his friends. They are in school and needed to interview some gringos. So we spent some time with them and it was fun to talk about all the differences in culture. We tried to get them to come to youth group with us afterward and they said they would but then they backed out at the last minute.

Youth group was good and the guy from the team that gave his testimony was hilarious! He was very active and made all sorts of sound effects. The best part was that he got the translator to do them with him. Afterwards we all gathered together and prayer with each other.

I am to the point where I feel like I understand the Holy Spirit and what it is and how it functions. I understand the difference between baptism of the Holy Spirit and other baptisms. I want the “more” that God confirmed was there. Right now I am just evaluating my heart and making sure I want it for the right reasons. I want to make sure I want it not for personal gain or pride but for the edification of the body of Christ. So pray for me as I continue in that.

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