Monday, August 20, 2012

The Costa Rica Mission: Thank You!

Family and Friends,
I can’t believe it’s been almost a week since I came home from Costa Rica. My time there flew by and I can’t believe it’s over already. Thank you so much for supporting me to go to Costa Rica! I had a great time, I experienced God in a new way, and I learned a lot.
Costa Rica has been a journey. But the journey didn’t start when the plane landed. The journey started when God started telling me that he wanted me to go. It has been awesome to see how God has provided financially for me. I ended up not having to pay any money out of pocket to go and I raised more than enough support so I am able to put some it towards college funds in the fall. Thank you all for being so generous in financially supporting me! It blew me away.
During my time in Costa Rica I learned several different things. I did a lot of behind the scenes work. I helped the ministry prepare for mission teams and helped them prepare in any way that I could. If that meant cleaning out an office, I’d do it. If that meant writing names on a water bottle, I would do it. It was good for me to see and do all of the behind the scenes work. I had never before realized how much work and effort is put into having a team come down for a week. I also learned a lot about the Holy Spirit. I didn’t know a lot about it before and I was confused about a lot. But God showed me and taught me a lot about how the Holy Spirit works and how to be aware of the Holy Spirit’s leading in my life and in evangelism. I learned to be thankful for the little things when I saw how little some people have there. There were days that I was just thankful to have a warm shower or walls in my house. I also learned about their culture and I realized that even though we all have different backgrounds and customs, we’re really not all so different.
Costa Rica was an awesome experience. But the journey doesn’t end here. The same Holy Spirit that empowered me to do everything and experience everything I did in Costa Rica is still with me in the States. God is the same no matter where you go. Costa Rica was not a magical land that I went to and suddenly had evangelism powers. God was empowering me there and he will empower me here as well.
I am ready for another school year and I am excited to see what God will continue to teach me. Continue praying for me as I wait on God for him to reveal exactly where he wants me in the mission field long term. Pray for continued growth and revelation in my life as well. And thank you again for your support! I couldn’t have done without you all!

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